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The topics associated to the KMi publications listed in this page were automatically generated using the CSO Classifier, a solution developed by the SKM3 team in KMi. This technology has also been adopted by Springer Nature and is used routinely by them to generate automatically the metadata for all Computer Science conference proceedings they publish.

Showing all 15 Publications linked to Joćo Magalhćes

Joćo Magalhćes Member status icon

Visiting Researcher
Joćo Magalhćes Photograph

Joćo was a full-time PhD student in information retrieval at the

Department of Computing, Imperial College London, in the Multimedia and

Information Systems Group, supervised by Prof Stefan Rueger.

His PhD thesis Statistical models for semantic-multimedia information retrieval, published in 2008, has improved multimedia search by exploring semantic-multimedia analysis through two complementary search...

Keys: mmis

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

and Rueger, S. (2012) Using manual and automated annotations to search images by semantic similarity, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 56, 1, pp. 109-129, Springer

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and Rueger, S. (2010) An information-theoretic framework for semantic-multimedia retrieval, ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 28, 4, 2010 ACM

Topics: bayesian networks

Publications related to: bayesian networks

classification methods

Publications related to: classification methods

color image processing

Publications related to: color image processing

color images

Publications related to: color images


Publications related to: communication

computer science

Publications related to: computer science

content based retrieval

Publications related to: content based retrieval

content-based image retrieval

Publications related to: content-based image retrieval

correlation analysis

Publications related to: correlation analysis

database systems

Publications related to: database systems

digital image

Publications related to: digital image

digital image storage

Publications related to: digital image storage

document images

Publications related to: document images

feature space

Publications related to: feature space

formal framework

Publications related to: formal framework

formal methods

Publications related to: formal methods

high-dimensional feature space

Publications related to: high-dimensional feature space

image analysis

Publications related to: image analysis

image annotation

Publications related to: image annotation

image enhancement

Publications related to: image enhancement

image features

Publications related to: image features

image matching

Publications related to: image matching

image processing

Publications related to: image processing

image quality

Publications related to: image quality

image retrieval

Publications related to: image retrieval

image search

Publications related to: image search

image segmentation

Publications related to: image segmentation

imaging systems

Publications related to: imaging systems

information retrieval

Publications related to: information retrieval

information retrieval systems

Publications related to: information retrieval systems

information theory

Publications related to: information theory

kernel function

Publications related to: kernel function


Publications related to: mathematics

multimedia contents

Publications related to: multimedia contents

multimedia services

Publications related to: multimedia services

multimedia systems

Publications related to: multimedia systems

object recognition

Publications related to: object recognition

optical character recognition

Publications related to: optical character recognition

pattern recognition

Publications related to: pattern recognition

probabilistic models

Publications related to: probabilistic models

probability distributions

Publications related to: probability distributions

reference image

Publications related to: reference image

retrieval algorithms

Publications related to: retrieval algorithms

retrieval performance

Publications related to: retrieval performance

search engines

Publications related to: search engines

text data

Publications related to: text data

text document

Publications related to: text document

text mining

Publications related to: text mining

textual data

Publications related to: textual data

user query

Publications related to: user query

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

, Ciravegna, F. and Rueger, S. (2008) Exploring multimedia in a keyword space, The 16th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (2008), Vancouver, BC, Canada

Topics: multimedia contents

Publications related to: multimedia contents

multimedia data

Publications related to: multimedia data

multimedia documents

Publications related to: multimedia documents

multimedia services

Publications related to: multimedia services

multimedia systems

Publications related to: multimedia systems

natural language processing

Publications related to: natural language processing


Publications related to: ontology

semantic similarity

Publications related to: semantic similarity


Publications related to: semantics


Overell, S., (2007) GIR experiments with Forostar at GeoCLEF 2007, CLEF 2007 Workshop, Working notes, Budapest, Hungary, eds. Alessandro Nardi and Carol Peters


, Overell, S. and Rueger, S. (2007) Exploring Image, Text and Geographic Evidences in ImageCLEF 2007, CLEF 2007 Workshop, Abstracts, Budapest, Hungary, eds. Alessandro Nardi and Carol Peters, pp. 30

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Overell, S., (2007) Forostar: A System for GIR, Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval, Berlin / Heidelberg, eds. Carol Peters and Paul Clough and Fredric C. Gey and Jussi Karlgren and Bernardo Magnini and Douglas W. Oard and Maarten de Rijke and Maximilian Stempfhuber, 4730, pp. 930-937, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Topics: computational linguistics

Publications related to: computational linguistics

Overell, S.

electronic document identification systems

Publications related to: electronic document identification systems

Overell, S.


Publications related to: engine

Overell, S.


Publications related to: engineering

Overell, S.

information retrieval

Publications related to: information retrieval

Overell, S.

named entity recognition

Publications related to: named entity recognition

Overell, S.

natural language processing

Publications related to: natural language processing

Overell, S.

search engines

Publications related to: search engines

Overell, S.

standard model

Publications related to: standard model

Overell, S.

the standard model

Publications related to: the standard model

Overell, S.

user query

Publications related to: user query

Overell, S.

word segmentation

Publications related to: word segmentation

Overell, S.

word sense disambiguation

Publications related to: word sense disambiguation

Overell, S.

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

and Rueger, S. (2007) Information-theoretic semantic multimedia indexing, ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Topics: communication

Publications related to: communication

database systems

Publications related to: database systems

digital image storage

Publications related to: digital image storage

document images

Publications related to: document images

image enhancement

Publications related to: image enhancement

image retrieval

Publications related to: image retrieval

image segmentation

Publications related to: image segmentation

information retrieval

Publications related to: information retrieval

information retrieval systems

Publications related to: information retrieval systems

information theory

Publications related to: information theory

maximum entropy models

Publications related to: maximum entropy models

natural language processing

Publications related to: natural language processing

optical character recognition

Publications related to: optical character recognition

pattern recognition

Publications related to: pattern recognition


Publications related to: semantics

text document

Publications related to: text document

text mining

Publications related to: text mining


, Overell, S. and Rueger, S. (2007) A semantic vector space for query by image example, Workshop: Multimedia Information Retrieval at ACM SIGIR Conference on research and development in information retrieval, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


, Overell, S., Yavlinsky, A. and Rueger, S. (2006) Imperial College at TRECVID, TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, Gaithersburg, MD


Overell, S., (2006) Place disambiguation with co-occurrence models, Workshop: CLEF 2006 Workshop at CLEF, Alicante, Spain

Publications | doi 

and Rueger, S. (2006) Logistic Regression of Semantic Codebooks for Semantic Image Retrieval, International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, Tempe, AZ, pp. 41-50, Springer

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

and Rueger, S. (2006) Semantic multimedia information analysis for retrieval applications, in eds. Y J Zhang, Semantic-based visual information retrieval, Idea Group Inc

Topics: computer science

Publications related to: computer science

data mining

Publications related to: data mining

database systems

Publications related to: database systems

digital libraries

Publications related to: digital libraries


Publications related to: education

extracting information

Publications related to: extracting information

information analysis

Publications related to: information analysis

information extraction

Publications related to: information extraction

information retrieval

Publications related to: information retrieval

information systems

Publications related to: information systems


Publications related to: libraries

multimedia contents

Publications related to: multimedia contents

multimedia services

Publications related to: multimedia services

multimedia systems

Publications related to: multimedia systems

natural language processing

Publications related to: natural language processing

semantic information

Publications related to: semantic information


Publications related to: semantics

user interfaces

Publications related to: user interfaces

video contents

Publications related to: video contents

visual communication

Publications related to: visual communication

world wide web

Publications related to: world wide web


Jesus, R., (2005) Imperial College at TRECVID, TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, Gaithersburg, MD

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

and Rueger, S. (2005) Mining Multimedia Salient Concepts for Incremental Information Extraction, International ACM Information Retrieval Conference, Salvador, Brazil Proceedings 28th International ACM Information Retrieval Conference, pp. 641-642

Topics: bayesian

Publications related to: bayesian

bayesian networks

Publications related to: bayesian networks

classification methods

Publications related to: classification methods

correlation analysis

Publications related to: correlation analysis

data mining

Publications related to: data mining

extracting information

Publications related to: extracting information

feature space

Publications related to: feature space

information analysis

Publications related to: information analysis

information extraction

Publications related to: information extraction

information retrieval

Publications related to: information retrieval


Publications related to: mathematics

multimedia contents

Publications related to: multimedia contents

multimedia services

Publications related to: multimedia services

natural language processing

Publications related to: natural language processing

pattern recognition

Publications related to: pattern recognition


Heesch, D., (2004) Video retrieval using search and browsing, TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, Gaithersburg, MD

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