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Alumni Member

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Mobile Applications Developer
Paul Hogan Photograph

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I have worked for The Open University since 1983, the first 25 years being at Distribution.

In 2008 I moved to KMi as Mobile Applications Developer tasked with developing concept applications to run on IOS devices with the aim to demonstrate to faculties the use mobile technology can play in an educational environment.

In early 2010 I visited the Masaya volcano in Nicaragua accompanying a team of OU scientists / researchers in collaboration with EarthWatch to proof test an IOS mobile data collection app.

In 2012 I returned to my home unit but have since returned to KMi in August 2014 to take up the role again of Mobile Application Developer primarily focusing on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) and exploring smart glass technology such as Google Glass and other wearable technology.

I have developed two AR applications released to the app stores, OU Alive and OU Hunt and am finalising a further two applications that will be used in mainstream student module material for E117 and SK299 that will also be released to the app stores as well as Windows and Mac OSX versions for desktop use.

Keys: IOS, Android, Objective-C, C/C++/C#, Visual Studio.NET, VB.NET, Swift 1, Swift 2, Swift3, Unity3D, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Vuforia

Team: Chris Valentine



Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Kelley, P., Tindle, D., Anand, D., Whalley, P., Hogan, P., Valentine, C., Pillinger, P., Gibson, E. and Schwenzer, S. (2011) The Open University-NASA Apollo Virtual Microscope - a tool for Education and Outreach, Poster at 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA

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Dr Shweta Suran
Centre for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

The I in Misinformation: Understanding the Role of Individual Behavior in Social Media Information Diffusion

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United Kingdom

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