Alumni Member
Roxana Belecheanu (Alumni) 
Research Fellow

My research was focused on the use of semantic web technologies for business process modelling and automation. I worked on the SUPER project, where I was involved in developing ontologies for general business concepts, for business process execution (BPEL), and for business processes in the telecommuncations sector. My previous research focused on semantic web services for ubiquitous computing.
Belecheanu, R., Munroe, S., Luck, M., Mileer, T. and McBurney, P. (2006) Commercial applications of agents: Lessons, experiences and challenges, The Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Hakodate, Japan
Payne, T., Sharifi, M. and Belecheanu, R. (2005) Ontologies for tracking ubiquitous interest, The 4th International Semantic Web Conference, Galway, Ireland
Belecheanu, R., Jacyno, M. and Payne, T. (2004) Using OWL-S to annotate services with ancillary behaviour, Workshop: First AKT Workshop on Semantic Web Services (AKT-SWS04), Open University, Milton Keynes
Belecheanu, R., Hawaheer, G., Hoskins, A., McCann, J. and Payne, T. (2004) Semantic Web Meets Autonomic Ubicomp, Workshop: Semantic Web Technology for Mobile and Ubiquitous Applications at The 3rd International Semantic Web Conference, Hiroshima, Japan