Alumni Member
Simon Buckingham Shum (Alumni) 
Professor of Learning Informatics
My work is inspired by the vision and >40 years work of pioneer Doug Engelbart: to develop technologies which augment human intellect, our collective capability for coping with complex, urgent problems.
My current work revolves around these separate but also intersecting fields:
* Collective Intelligence infrastructure (technologies and ways of working that pool what is known) for contested knowledge (these days most claims are contestable, and in any serious dilemmas, there is disagreement about the way forward).
* Learning Analytics (how do you know if someone is learning from the digital traces they leave behind?), in particular, for 21st century qualities (the personal skills and dispositions that citizens need to thrive in an age of turbulence and complexity starting at primary school).
Keys: Learning Analytics, Collective Intelligence, Argument Visualization
Team: Michelle Bachler, Anna De Liddo, Simon Knight, Brian Pluss, Duygu Bektik
Iandoli, L., Quinto, I., De Liddo, A. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2016) On Online Collaboration and Construction of Shared Knowledge: Assessing Mediation Capability in Computer Supported Argument Visualization Tools On Online Collaboration and Construction of Shared Knowledge: Assessing Mediation Capability in Computer Supported Argument Visualization Tools, 67, pp. 1052-1067
Simsek, D., Sandor, A., Buckingham Shum, S., Ferguson, R., De Liddo, A. and Whitelock, D. (2015) Correlations between automated rhetorical analysis and tutors' grades on student essays, 5th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK15): Scaling Up: Big Data to Big Impact, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA
Okada, A., Buckingham Shum, S. and Sherborne, T. (eds.) (2014) Knowledge Cartography: Software tools and mapping techniques - Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 2nd edition, pp. 540, London: Springer-Verlag
De Liddo, A. and Buckingham Shum, S. (2014) New Ways of Deliberating Online: An Empirical Comparison of Network and Threaded Interfaces for Online Discussion, Electronic Participation - 6th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ePart 2014, Dublin, Ireland, eds. Efthimios Tambouris, Ann Macintosh, Frank Bannister, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8654, pp. 90-101, Springer
Knight, S., Wise, A., Arastoopour, G., Shaffer, D., Buckingham Shum, S. and Kirschner, P. (2014) Analytics for learning and becoming in practice, Demo at International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2014)
Tech Reports
Epistemic Networks for Epistemic Commitments
Techreport ID: kmi-13-03
Date: 2013
Author(s): Simon Knight, Golnaz Arastoopour, David Williamson Shaffer, Simon Buckingham Shum, Karen Littleton
Social Learning Analytics
Techreport ID: kmi-11-01
Date: 2011
Author(s): Simon Buckingham Shum,Rebecca Ferguson
Designing the Ontological Foundations for Knowledge Domain Analysis Technology: An Interim Report
Techreport ID: kmi-08-02
Date: 2008
Author(s): Neil Benn, Simon Buckingham Shum, John Domingue, Clara Mancini