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The Robert Gordon University, Scotland
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My intelligent agent Luigi acts as a personal assistant to arrange meetings via e-mail and the web. I am currently exploring a number of other personal agent applications.

Now at School of Computing, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland






Virtual Participant



Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Innominato, P., Macdonald, J., Saxton, W., Longshaw, L., Granger, R., Naja, I., Alloca, C., Edwards, R., Rasheed, S., Folkvord, F., Batlle, J., Ail, R., Motta, E., Bale, C., Fuller, C., Mullard, A., Subbe, C., Griffiths, D., Wreglesworth, N., Pecchia, L., Fico, G. and Antonini, A. (2024) Digital Remote Monitoring Using an mHealth Solution for Survivors of Cancer: Protocol for a Pilot Observational Study, 13, pp. (Early access)

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Innominato, P., Wreglesworth, N., Antonini, A. and Buchwald, Z. (2024) Drug's Journey of a Thousand Papers Begins With a Single Step, JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Innominato, P., Macdonald, J., Saxton, W., Longshaw, L., Granger, R., Naja, I., Allocca, C., Edwards, R., Rasheed, S., Folkvord, F., Batle, J., Ail, R., Motta, E., Bale, C., Fuller, C., Mullard, A., Subbe, C., Griffiths, D., Wreglesworth, N., Pecchia, L., Fico, G. and Antonini, A. (2024) Digital remote monitoring using a mobile health solution in cancer survivors: an observational pilot trial protocol, 12

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Schiller, D., Yu, A., Alia-Klein, N., Becker, S., Cromwell, H., Dolcos, F., Eslinger, P., Frewen, P., Kemp, A., Pace-Schott, E., Raber, J., Silton, R., Stefanova, E., Williams, J., Abe, N., Aghajani, M., Albrecht, F., Alexander, R., Anders, S., Aragón, O., Arias, J., Arzy, S., Aue, T., Baez, S., Balconi, M., Ballarini, T., Bannister, S., Banta, M., Barrett, K., Belzung, C., Bensafi, M., Booij, L., Bookwala, J., Boulanger-Bertolus, J., Boutros, S., Bräscher, A., Bruno, A., Busatto, G., Bylsma, L., Caldwell-Harris, C., Chan, R., Cherbuin, N., Chiarella, J., Cipresso, P., Critchley, H., Croote, D., Demaree, H., Denson, T., Depue, B., Derntl, B., Dickson, J., Dolcos, S., Drach-Zahavy, A., Dubljević, O., Eerola, T., Ellingsen, D., Fairfield, B., Ferdenzi, C., Friedman, B., Fu, C., Gatt, J., deGelder, B., Gendolla, G., Gilam, G., Goldblatt, H., Gooding, A., Gosseries, O., Hamm, A., Hanson, J., Hendler, T., Herbert, C., Hofmann, S., Ibanez, A., Joffily, M., Jovanovic, T., Kahrilas, I., Kangas, M., Katsumi, Y., Kensinger, E., Kirby, L., Koncz, R., Koster, E., Kozlowska, K., Krach, S., Kret, M., Krippl, M., Kusi-Mensah, K., Ladouceur, C., Laureys, S., Lawrence, A., Li, C., Liddell, B., Lidhar, N., Lowry, C., Magee, K., Marin, M., Mariotti, V., Martin, L., Marusak, H., Mayer, A., Merner, A., Minnier, J., Moll, J., Morrison, R., Moore, M., Mouly, A., Mueller, S., Mühlberger, A., Murphy, N., Muscatello, M., Musser, E., Newton, T., Noll-Hussong, M., Norrholm, S., Northoff, G., Nusslock, R., Okon-Singer, H., Olino, T., Ortner, C., Owolabi, M., Padulo, C., Palermo, R., Palumbo, R., Palumbo, S., Papadelis, C., Pegna, A., Pellegrini, S., Peltonen, K., Penninx, B., Pietrini, P., Pinna, G., Lobo, R., Polnaszek, K., Polyakova, M., Rabinak, C., HeleneRichter, S., Richter, T., Riva, G., Rizzo, A., Robinson, J., Rosa, P., Sachdev, P., Sato, W., Schroeter, M., Schweizer, S., Shiban, Y., Siddharthan, A., Siedlecka, E., Smith, R., Soreq, H., Spangler, D., Stern, E., Styliadis, C., Sullivan, G., Swain, J., Urben, S., Stock, J., Kooij, M., Overveld, M., Rheenen, T., VanElzakker, M., Ventura-Bort, C., Verona, E., Volk, T., Wang, Y., Weingast, L., Weymar, M., Williams, C., Willis, M., Yamashita, P., Zahn, R., Zupan, B., Lowe, L., Gabriela, G., F, H. and Leonie, L. (2023) The Human Affectome, pp. (Early access), Elsevier

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Chowdhury, M., Usman, M., Ferdous, M., Chowdhury, N., Harun, A., Jannat, U. and Biswas, K. (2021) A Cross-Layer Trust-based Consensus Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Using Fuzzy Logic, pp. (Early Access)

View all 19 publications

Tech Reports

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Using genre to support active participation in learning communities
Techreport ID: kmi-00-13
Date: 2000
Author(s): Trevor Collins, Paul Mulholland and Stuart Watt

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Oracles, Bards, and Village Gossips, or, Social Roles and Meta Knowledge Management
Techreport ID: kmi-99-09
Date: 1999
Author(s): Simon Masterton and Stuart Watt

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Seeing things as people: anthropomorphism and common-sense psychology
Techreport ID: kmi-98-02
Date: 1998
Author(s): Stuart Watt

View all 9 Tech Reports

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