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By Staff Member
Aggarwal, Tanay /nAlani, Harith /nAllocca, Carlo /nAnastasiou, Lucas /nAntonini, Alessio /nAo, Shuang /nArdito, Alberto /nBachler, Michelle /nBarratt, Nick /nBarresi, Giacinto /nBatiashvili, Vako /nBayer, Vaclav /nBays, Robbie /nBolanos Burgos, Francisco /nBonnin, Geoffray /nBrown, Venetia /nBudko, Valeriy /nBurel, Gregoire /nCancellieri, Matteo /nCarvalho, Jason /nCastledine, David /nChisholm, Kitty /nChkhaidze, Ekaterine /nCoignac-Smith, Rachel /nColclough, Samantha /nCollins, Trevor /nCornish, Harriett /nDadswell, Damian /nDaga, Enrico /nDave, Keyur /nDe Liddo, Anna /nDean, Em /nDomingue, John /nEisenstadt, Marc /nEkuban, Audrey /nFarrell, Tracie /nFernandez, Miriam /nFletcher, Alan /nGilbert, Julian /nGoddard, David /nHagen, Olivia /nHawkridge, Ben /nHlosta, Martin /nKnoth, Petr /nKwarteng, Joseph /nLarasati, Retno /nLee, John /nLeek, Tiff /nLondhe, Namrata /nMcCoubrey, Michael /nMeloni, Antonello /nMikroyannidis, Alexander /nMinakov, Artem /nMorales Tirado, Alba /nMotta, Enrico /nMulholland, Paul /nMumba, Phillimon /nN. Kunnath, Suchetha /nNaja, Iman /nOlarte-Martinez, Beatriz /nOsborne, Francesco /nPala, Riccardo /nPavlenko, Viktoriia /nPavon Perez, Angel /nPiccolo, Lara /nPinas, Mireille (aka Lena) /nPolilli, Walter /nPontika, Nancy /nPride, David /nRatta, Marco /nRawlins, Abi /nReyero Lobo, Paula /nRose, Ortenz /nRueger, Stefan /nSalatino, Angelo Antonio /nSanders, Chris /nSharma, Nirwan /nSiddharthan, Advaith /nSilva Cruz, Gonzalo /nSummann, Friedrich /nThird, Aisling /nTorchylo, Halyna /nVasilyev, Andrew /nWarren, Paul /nZdrahal, Zdenek /nZhuk, Anton /n
List Publications by Project
By Project
3D Audio /nAEC /nAFEL /nAI Digital Assistant (AIDA) /nAI4EDI /nAKT /nAlice Project /nAlternative Media for Print... /nArchitectures for scripted... /nBeeWatch /nBletchley Park Text /nBlogging Birds /nBlues Engine /nBuddyFinder-CORDER /nBuddySpace /nCABER /nCARRE /nCatalyst /nCEFcult /nCIMPLE /nCIPHER /ncitischool /nCititag /nCityLABS / /nCLUTCH - Millennium Awards /nCo-Inform /nCoAKTinG /nCoLearn /nCOMPOSE /nCOMRADES /nCORE /nCos4Cloud /nCOVID-19 Research /nDecarboNet /nDECIDE /nDECIPHER /nDEL4ALL /nDiggiCORE /nDIP /nDOT.KOM /nDRESS /ne-Dance /ne-PhD Project /nECOSENSUS /nEDSA /nEdukapp /nELC /nElection Debate Visualization /nELeGI /nEngage /nEnquiryBlogger /nENRICH /nEntity Relation Discovery and... /nERA /nEUCLID /nEurogene /nEuropeana Cloud /nFairAI4EdTech: Promoting... /nFirstFlight /nFIT4RRI /nFORGE /nFOSTER /nFOSTER Plus /nG-LEARN /nGames /nGATEKEEPER /nGenAI-OU / /nGreenDATA /nHallé KTP /nHeronsgate Middle School Site /nHERoS /nHUB4NGI /nHuman-Computer Collaborative... /nHypermedia Discourse /nIbrow /niCoper /nIEREST /nIMPAQT /nInstitute of Coding /nINTENT /nInteracting in A Virtual... /niTunes U /nJIME /nKnowledgeWeb /nL204 Summer School Blog /nLearning Disability History /nLinked USDL /nLinkedUp /nLinking Islands of Data - A... /nListening Experience Database /nLiving Human Digital Library /nLOTED /nLTfLL /nLUCERO /nLUISA /nLUPMIR /nMaking the News /nMark /nmEducator /nMEMETIC /nMGT /nMIAKT /nMK:5G /nMK:Smart / /nMobile Applications /nMSG /nMultimedia Digital Libraries /nMUPPLE /nNeOn /nNoTube /nOARR /nOER /nOLnet /nON-MERRIT /nOPAL /nOpen Blockchain /nOpen Guide to Milton Keynes /nOpen Networking Lab /nOpen Sensemaking Communities /nOpenKnowledge /nOpenLang Network /nOpenLearn /nOpenMinTeD /nOpenScout /nOpenSTEM Africa Blockchain /nORBIS /nOrganised Crime Group Mapping /nOU Analyse /nOU Go /nPatMan /nPeer Miles /nPersonal Inquiry /nPHAROS /nPhone the Web /nPlanetData /nPlanting for Pollinators /nPolifonia /nProlearn /nQualiChain /nRAE (Responsive Algorithmic... /nREAD-IT /nReelLives /nREF 2021 Predictions /nReFLEx /nRETAIN /nRichODL /nRobot Embodied Presence in... /nROBUST /nROLE /nSafety Centre /nSAGE-RAI /nScholOnto /nSciRoc /nSEALS /nSeen and Heard /nSemantic Blogging /nSENSE /nSense4Us /nService Web 3.0 /nServiceCORE /nShifting Power /nSILVER /nSlideWiki /nSmartProducts /nSOA4All /nSocialLearn /nSOFI /nSPICE /nSportsCoach /nSpringer Nature Collaboration /nStadium /nStation X /nSTELLARNET /nStorymaking Project /nSubtle /nSUPER /nSupporting Editorial... /nTactile Multimedia /nTCBL /nTech-It-Easy /nTELL-ME /nTELMAP /nThe Bookshelf Project /nThe Open University Linked... /nThe UK Multimedia Knowledge... /nThe Virtual Corporate... /nThe Virtual Microscope /nThe Virtual Student Advisor /nTINY-IN /nTRIVALENT /nUCIAD /nUK Aggregation /nUK Aggregation 2 /nUniversity for Industry... /nUp2U /nUrban Inquiries /nVague Query Responder /nVDC /nVirtual Spring Collaborative... /nVirtual Tours /nVocTeach /nVPH-Share /nWeb Lab /nwebCEF /nWeGov /nWESPOT /nX-Media /nX:Polli-Nation /nXO /nXtreme Webcasting /n
List Publications by Technology
By Technology
ACQUA /nAETOS /nAIDA Dashboard /nAnnomation /nANSES /nApollo /nAquaLog /nARIA/GOMARCH /nARIA/GOMARCH /nAugmented / Virtual Reality /nAugur /nBASIL /nbkd /nBlockchain /nBuddyFinder-CORDER /nBuddySpace /nCASHEW /nCAT: Curriculum Analytics Tool /nCIDashboard /nCitizen Science and... /nClaimaker /nClockwork /nCohere /nCompendium /nContento /nCORDER /nCORE - COnnecting REpositories /nCrowdSense /ncRunch /nD3E /nD3Eprints /nDebateHub /nDedalo /nDiscOU /nELLIMent /nESpotter /nEurogene Software /nEvidence Hub /nEvolva /nFindLEr /nFlashMeeting Technology /nFlashVlog /nFLOR /nFOSTER ( /nFrictionless Data Exchange... /nGarden Monitor /nHank /nHexagon /nHyperdata /nIMMA Deep Viewpoints /nIMMA Viewpoints /nInternet Reasoning Service... /nInternet Software... /niServe /nKANNEL /nKC-Viz /nKCE /nKICS /nKMi Planet /nKnoFuss /nLicence Picker /nLiteMap /nLyceum /nMagpie /nMeet-O-Matic /nMK:Communities /nMnM /nMSG /nMUPPLE II /nNewsRoom /nNoBias /nOCML /nOmniVoke /nOntoWeaver /nPhiloSURFical /nPlanetOnto /nPodcasting /nPowerAqua /nPowerMagpie /nPred-Cident /nPT Anywhere /nREAD-IT chatbot /nRevyu / /nRexplore /nRFID /nROSTRA /nROSTRA Live /nScarlet /nSemSearch /nSimLink /nSmart Book Recommender /nSmart Topic Miner /nSmartLink /nSPARQL Anything /nSugarTube /nSWEET /nThe KMi semantic web /nTopic Accessed Video /nuBase /nVague Query Responder /nVirtual Participant /nVirtual Reality Robotic... /nVISHNU /nWatson /nWebOnto /nXO Backlot /n
Other Publications
Prof Enrico Motta
KMi, The Open University
Using AI to capture representations of the political discourse in the news
This event will take place on Tuesday 28 January 2025 at 11:30:00
Watch the live webcast
Apply for our Summer Scholarship for Black Students
Knowledge Media Institute (KMi)
£26,642 to £29,659
Based in Milton Keynes
Fixed Term Contract (Part Time)
The Open University is recruiting for a Grade 5 Administration Assistant within the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi), part of the STEM Faculty. This role is essential in providing professional administrative support to the KMi Director, Senior Manager and the wider unit, ensuring the efficient day-to-day management of information, tasks, and events within the department.
Key Responsibilities
Coordination of KMi Director diary. This will include arranging a high volume of...