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By Staff Member
Aggarwal, Tanay /nAlani, Harith /nAllocca, Carlo /nAnastasiou, Lucas /nAntonini, Alessio /nArdito, Alberto /nBachler, Michelle /nBarratt, Nick /nBarresi, Giacinto /nBatiashvili, Vako /nBayer, Vaclav /nBays, Robbie /nBolanos Burgos, Francisco /nBonnin, Geoffray /nBrown, Venetia /nBudko, Valeriy /nBurel, Gregoire /nCancellieri, Matteo /nCarvalho, Jason /nCastledine, David /nChisholm, Kitty /nChkhaidze, Ekaterine /nCoignac-Smith, Rachel /nColclough, Samantha /nCollins, Trevor /nCornish, Harriett /nDadswell, Damian /nDaga, Enrico /nDave, Keyur /nDe Liddo, Anna /nDean, Em /nDomingue, John /nEisenstadt, Marc /nEkuban, Audrey /nFadda, Massimiliano /nFarrell, Tracie /nFernandez, Miriam /nGilbert, Julian /nGoddard, David /nHagen, Olivia /nHawkridge, Ben /nHetroy-Wheeler, Franck /nHlosta, Martin /nIbba, Andrea /nKnoth, Petr /nKwarteng, Joseph /nLarasati, Retno /nLee, John /nLeek, Tiff /nLondhe, Namrata /nMcCoubrey, Michael /nMeloni, Antonello /nMikroyannidis, Alexander /nMinakov, Artem /nMorales Tirado, Alba /nMotta, Enrico /nMulholland, Paul /nMumba, Phillimon /nN. Kunnath, Suchetha /nNaja, Iman /nOlarte-Martinez, Beatriz /nOsborne, Francesco /nPala, Riccardo /nPavlenko, Viktoriia /nPavon Perez, Angel /nPiccolo, Lara /nPinas, Mireille (aka Lena) /nPolilli, Walter /nPontika, Nancy /nPride, David /nRamushu, Mologadi /nRatta, Marco /nRawlins, Abi /nRose, Ortenz /nRueger, Stefan /nSalatino, Angelo Antonio /nSanders, Chris /nSharma, Nirwan /nSiddharthan, Advaith /nSilva Cruz, Gonzalo /nSummann, Friedrich /nThird, Aisling /nTorchylo, Halyna /nTsiklauri, Besik /nVasilyev, Andrew /nWarren, Paul /nZdrahal, Zdenek /nZhuk, Anton /n
List Publications by Project
By Project
3D Audio /nAEC /nAFEL /nAI Digital Assistant (AIDA) /nAI4EDI /nAKT /nAlice Project /nAlternative Media for Print... /nArchitectures for scripted... /nBeeWatch /nBletchley Park Text /nBlogging Birds /nBlues Engine /nBuddyFinder-CORDER /nBuddySpace /nCABER /nCARRE /nCatalyst /nCEFcult /nCIMPLE /nCIPHER /ncitischool /nCititag /nCityLABS / /nCLUTCH - Millennium Awards /nCo-Inform /nCoAKTinG /nCoLearn /nCOMPOSE /nCOMRADES /nConversational Media... /nCORE /nCos4Cloud /nCOVID-19 Research /nDecarboNet /nDECIDE /nDECIPHER /nDEL4ALL /nDiggiCORE /nDIP /nDOT.KOM /nDRESS /ne-Dance /ne-PhD Project /nECOSENSUS /nEDSA /nEdukapp /nELC /nElection Debate Visualization /nELeGI /nEngage /nEnquiryBlogger /nENRICH /nEntity Relation Discovery and... /nERA /nEUCLID /nEurogene /nEuropeana Cloud /nFairAI4EdTech: Promoting... /nFirstFlight /nFIT4RRI /nFORGE /nFOSTER /nFOSTER Plus /nG-LEARN /nGames /nGATEKEEPER /nGenAI-OU / /nGreenDATA /nHallé KTP /nHeronsgate Middle School Site /nHERoS /nHUB4NGI /nHuman-Computer Collaborative... /nHypermedia Discourse /nIbrow /niCoper /nIEREST /nImmersive Online Reading for... /nIMPAQT /nInstitute of Coding /nINTENT /nInteracting in A Virtual... /niTunes U /nJIME /nKnowledgeWeb /nL204 Summer School Blog /nLearning Disability History /nLinked USDL /nLinkedUp /nLinking Islands of Data - A... /nListening Experience Database /nLiving Human Digital Library /nLOTED /nLTfLL /nLUCERO /nLUISA /nLUPMIR /nMaking the News /nMark /nmEducator /nMEMETIC /nMGT /nMIAKT /nMK:5G /nMK:Smart / /nMobile Applications /nMSG /nMultimedia Digital Libraries /nMUPPLE /nNeOn /nNoTube /nOARR /nOER /nOLnet /nON-MERRIT /nOPAL /nOpen Blockchain /nOpen Guide to Milton Keynes /nOpen Networking Lab /nOpen Sensemaking Communities /nOpenKnowledge /nOpenLang Network /nOpenLearn /nOpenMinTeD /nOpenScout /nOpenSTEM Africa Blockchain /nORBIS /nOrganised Crime Group Mapping /nOU Analyse /nOU Go /nPatMan /nPeer Miles /nPersonal Inquiry /nPHAROS /nPhone the Web /nPlanetData /nPlanting for Pollinators /nPolifonia /nProlearn /nQualiChain /nRAE (Responsive Algorithmic... /nREAD-IT /nReelLives /nREF 2021 Predictions /nReFLEx /nRETAIN /nRichODL /nRobot Embodied Presence in... /nROBUST /nROLE /nSafety Centre /nSAGE-RAI /nScholOnto /nSciRoc /nSEALS /nSeen and Heard /nSemantic Blogging /nSENSE /nSense4Us /nService Web 3.0 /nServiceCORE /nShifting Power /nSILVER /nSlideWiki /nSmartProducts /nSOA4All /nSocialLearn /nSOFI /nSPICE /nSportsCoach /nSpringer Nature Collaboration /nStadium /nStation X /nSTELLARNET /nStorymaking Project /nSubtle /nSUPER /nSupporting Editorial... /nTactile Multimedia /nTCBL /nTech-It-Easy /nTELL-ME /nTELMAP /nThe Bookshelf Project /nThe Open University Linked... /nThe UK Multimedia Knowledge... /nThe Virtual Corporate... /nThe Virtual Microscope /nThe Virtual Student Advisor /nTINY-IN /nTRIVALENT /nUCIAD /nUK Aggregation /nUK Aggregation 2 /nUniversity for Industry... /nUp2U /nUrban Inquiries /nVague Query Responder /nVDC /nVirtual Spring Collaborative... /nVirtual Tours /nVocTeach /nVPH-Share /nWeb Lab /nwebCEF /nWeGov /nWESPOT /nX-Media /nX:Polli-Nation /nXO /nXtreme Webcasting /n
List Publications by Technology
By Technology
ACQUA /nAETOS /nAIDA Dashboard /nAnnomation /nANSES /nApollo /nAquaLog /nARIA/GOMARCH /nARIA/GOMARCH /nAugmented / Virtual Reality /nAugur /nBASIL /nbkd /nBlockchain /nBuddyFinder-CORDER /nBuddySpace /nCASHEW /nCAT: Curriculum Analytics Tool /nCIDashboard /nCitizen Science and... /nClaimaker /nClockwork /nCohere /nCompendium /nContento /nCORDER /nCORE - COnnecting REpositories /nCrowdSense /ncRunch /nD3E /nD3Eprints /nDebateHub /nDedalo /nDiscOU /nELLIMent /nESpotter /nEurogene Software /nEvidence Hub /nEvolva /nFindLEr /nFlashMeeting Technology /nFlashVlog /nFLOR /nFOSTER ( /nFrictionless Data Exchange... /nGarden Monitor /nHank /nHexagon /nHyperdata /nIMMA Deep Viewpoints /nIMMA Viewpoints /nInternet Reasoning Service... /nInternet Software... /niServe /nKANNEL /nKC-Viz /nKCE /nKICS /nKMi Planet /nKnoFuss /nLicence Picker /nLiteMap /nLyceum /nMagpie /nMeet-O-Matic /nMK:Communities /nMnM /nMSG /nMUPPLE II /nNewsRoom /nNoBias /nOCML /nOmniVoke /nOntoWeaver /nPhiloSURFical /nPlanetOnto /nPodcasting /nPowerAqua /nPowerMagpie /nPred-Cident /nPT Anywhere /nREAD-IT chatbot /nRevyu / /nRexplore /nRFID /nROSTRA /nROSTRA Live /nScarlet /nSemSearch /nSimLink /nSmart Book Recommender /nSmart Topic Miner /nSmartLink /nSPARQL Anything /nSugarTube /nSWEET /nThe KMi semantic web /nTopic Accessed Video /nuBase /nVague Query Responder /nVirtual Participant /nVirtual Reality Robotic... /nVISHNU /nWatson /nWebOnto /nXO Backlot /n
Other Publications
Em Dean
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University
An AI Ethics Primer - How to apply basic ethical principles to machine decisions
This event will take place on Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 11:30:00
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