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Showing all 12 Publications linked to Antonio Roberto Coelho Serra

Antonio Roberto Coelho Serra Member status icon

Visiting Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Antonio Roberto Coelho Serra Photograph

Antonio Serra holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Administration from the State University of Maranhão (UEMA), a Master’s Degree from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and a Doctoral Degree from the Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).

He is a Senior Lecturer/Adjunct Professor at the Applied Social Sciences Center at the Department of Administration at UEMA as well as the Coordinator of the...

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A., Serra, A.R.C., Ribeiro, S. and Pinto, S. (2015) Key skills for co-learning and co-inquiry in two open platforms: a massive portal (EDUCARED) and a personal environment (weSPOT), Open Praxis International Journal, 7, 1, International Council for Open and Distance Education

Topics: curricula

Publications related to: curricula

Okada, A.

distance education

Publications related to: distance education

Okada, A.


Publications related to: e-learning

Okada, A.


Publications related to: education

Okada, A.

education technology

Publications related to: education technology

Okada, A.

educational technology

Publications related to: educational technology

Okada, A.

formal languages

Publications related to: formal languages

Okada, A.

information systems

Publications related to: information systems

Okada, A.

innovative technologies

Publications related to: innovative technologies

Okada, A.

knowledge management

Publications related to: knowledge management

Okada, A.


Publications related to: learning

Okada, A.

on-line education

Publications related to: on-line education

Okada, A.

online systems

Publications related to: online systems

Okada, A.


Publications related to: ontology

Okada, A.


Publications related to: pedagogy

Okada, A.


Publications related to: reasoning

Okada, A.

service management

Publications related to: service management

Okada, A.

social networks

Publications related to: social networks

Okada, A.

social relations

Publications related to: social relations

Okada, A.

social relationships

Publications related to: social relationships

Okada, A.

web 2.0

Publications related to: web 2.0

Okada, A.


Publications related to: wiki

Okada, A.


Serra, A.R.C., Ribeiro, S., Pinto, S. and Okada, A. (2014) A utilização de REA na Universidade Aberta do Brasil, III Colóquio Luso Brasileiro de Educação a Distância e Elearning, Lisboa-Portugal


Calonego, R., Andrello, R., Serra, A.R.C. and Okada, A. (2014) A comunicação estratégica empresarial por meio de ambientes virtualizados, Anais do 37º. Congresso de Ciências da Comunicação, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil


Calonego, R., Serra, A.R.C. and Okada, A. (2014) A comunicação estratégica empresarial por meio de ambientes virtualizados, 20º. Congresso Internacional ABED de Educacao a Distancia, Curitiba, Brasil

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Calonego, R., Serra, A.R.C. and Okada, A. (2014) Social, open and personalised environments for communication and knowledge management between business and educational organisations, i-KNOW 2014 International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business, Graz, Austria, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Topics: business process

Publications related to: business process

Calonego, R.

collaborative activities

Publications related to: collaborative activities

Calonego, R.

collaborative learning

Publications related to: collaborative learning

Calonego, R.

collaborative work

Publications related to: collaborative work

Calonego, R.


Publications related to: communication

Calonego, R.

distance education

Publications related to: distance education

Calonego, R.


Publications related to: e-learning

Calonego, R.


Publications related to: ebusiness

Calonego, R.


Publications related to: education

Calonego, R.

education technology

Publications related to: education technology

Calonego, R.

educational technology

Publications related to: educational technology

Calonego, R.

electronic commerce

Publications related to: electronic commerce

Calonego, R.


Publications related to: groupware

Calonego, R.

higher education institutions

Publications related to: higher education institutions

Calonego, R.

human engineering

Publications related to: human engineering

Calonego, R.

information systems

Publications related to: information systems

Calonego, R.

information technology

Publications related to: information technology

Calonego, R.

information visualization

Publications related to: information visualization

Calonego, R.

interactive computer systems

Publications related to: interactive computer systems

Calonego, R.

knowledge based systems

Publications related to: knowledge based systems

Calonego, R.

knowledge management

Publications related to: knowledge management

Calonego, R.


Publications related to: learning

Calonego, R.

mobile computing

Publications related to: mobile computing

Calonego, R.

on-line education

Publications related to: on-line education

Calonego, R.

online systems

Publications related to: online systems

Calonego, R.


Publications related to: pervasive

Calonego, R.

pervasive computing

Publications related to: pervasive computing

Calonego, R.

pervasive environments

Publications related to: pervasive environments

Calonego, R.


Publications related to: recommendation

Calonego, R.

recommender systems

Publications related to: recommender systems

Calonego, R.

social computing

Publications related to: social computing

Calonego, R.

social media

Publications related to: social media

Calonego, R.

social networks

Publications related to: social networks

Calonego, R.

teaching and learning

Publications related to: teaching and learning

Calonego, R.

ubiquitous computing

Publications related to: ubiquitous computing

Calonego, R.

ubiquitous computing environment

Publications related to: ubiquitous computing environment

Calonego, R.

ubiquitous environments

Publications related to: ubiquitous environments

Calonego, R.

user interfaces

Publications related to: user interfaces

Calonego, R.

visual analytics

Publications related to: visual analytics

Calonego, R.

visualization tools

Publications related to: visualization tools

Calonego, R.

work environments

Publications related to: work environments

Calonego, R.

Publications | doi 

Okada, A., Serra, A.R.C. and Machado, C. (2014) Mídias Sociais e Recursos Educacionais Abertos Móveis na pesquisa acadêmica do século 21, in eds. Moreira, J. António; Barros. D. & Monteiro, A., Educação a Distância e eLearning na Web Social., Santo Tirso: White Books


Okada, A., Serra, A.R.C., Ribeiro, S. and Pinto, S. (2014) Competências-Chave para coaprender em ambientes abertos massivos, RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, Asociación Iberoamericana de Educación Superior a Distancia (AIESAD)

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Serra, A.R.C. and Okada, A. (2014) Mobilidade Aberta: coaprendizagem e coinvestigação em ambientes acadêmicos, IKASNABAR 2014 International Conference on Open Education and Educational Technology, Bilbao, Spain


Okada, A., Serra, A.R.C., Barros, D., Ribeiro, S. and Pinto, S. (2014) Competencias-clave para coaprender y coinvestigar en la era digital en entornos abiertos y massivos, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks, 2nd edition, 933162227, S. Luis: EDUEMA


Serra, A.R.C., Ribeiro, S. and Pinto, S. (2014) , London REA na Universidade Aberta do Brasil: Limites e perspectivas, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks: Co-Learning and Professional Development., 1, Scholio Educational Research & Publishing

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A., Serra, A.R.C., Ribeiro, S. and Pinto, S. (2013) Competências-Chave na era digital para coaprendizagem e coinvestigação, III Colóquio Luso Brasileiro de Educação a Distância e Elearning, Lisboa-Portugal

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A., Pinto, S., Ribeiro, S. and Serra, A.R.C. (2013) Desarrollo de competencias esenciales en la Cibercultura con co-aprendizaje basado en co-investigación, Sexto Congreso Internacional de Aprendizaje y Cibersociedad, Madrid, Spain, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

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