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The topics associated to the KMi publications listed in this page were automatically generated using the CSO Classifier, a solution developed by the SKM3 team in KMi. This technology has also been adopted by Springer Nature and is used routinely by them to generate automatically the metadata for all Computer Science conference proceedings they publish.

Showing all 8 Publications linked to the lupmir project


Integrating logical inference in language models for context-sensitive information retrieval

This project "Operationalizing the Logical Uncertainty Principle in a Language Modelling Framework for Context-based Information Retrieval (LUPMIR)" is funded by EPSRC (EP/E002145/1, £163K). We aim to investigate a solution to context-based information retrieval, through integrating context-dependent logical inference in a statistical language modelling framework.


Lau, R., Li, Y., Song, D. and Kwok, R. (2008) Knowledge Discovery for Adaptive Negotiation Agents in e-Marketplaces, Decision Support Systems (unconditionally accepted for publication), Elsevier


Song, D., Huang, Q., Rueger, S. and Bruza, P. (2008) Facilitating Query Decomposition in Query Language Modeling by Association Rule Mining Using Multiple Sliding Windows, Accepted by the 30th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR’2008), Glasgow, UK


Huang, Q., Song, D. and Rueger, S. (2008) Robust Query-specific Pseudo Feedback Document Selection for Query Expansion, Accepted by the 30th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR’2008), Glasgow, UK


Huang, Q., Song, D., Rueger, S. and Bruza, P. (2007) Learning and Optimization of an Aspect Hidden Markov Model for Query Language Model Generation, The 1st International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR’2007), pp. 157-164


Lau, R., Bruza, P. and Song, D. (2007) Towards a Belief Revision Based Adaptive and Context Sensitive Information Retrieval System, Accepted by ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)


Lau, R., Chung, A., Song, D. and Huang, Q. (2007) Towards Fuzzy Domain Ontology Based Concept Map Generation, The 6th International Conference on Web-based Learning

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Song, D., Lau, R., Bruza, P., Wong, K. and Chen, D. (2007) An Adaptive Information Agent for Document Title Classification and Filtering in Data Intensive Domains, Decision Support Systems, 44, pp. 251-265, Elsevier


Song, D., Cao, G., Bruza, P. and Lau, R. (2007) Concept induction via fuzzy C-means clustering in a high-dimensional semantic space, in eds. J. Valente de Oliverira and W. Pedrycz, Advances in Fuzzy Clustering and its Applications, pp. 393-403, John Wiley & Sons

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