Showing all 6 Tech Reports linked to Peter Scott

Symmetrical support in FlashMeeting: a naturalistic study of live online peer-to-peer learning via software videoconferencing

This paper reports on a naturalistic study of peer-to-peer learning, in a live, online-video meeting context. Over a 6-month period a group of international students of animation attended 99 live, online study group events amounting to around 120 hours of live broadcast meeting time. Some meetings were very large, with up to 34 participants, but the average participation was 10 students. These events were entirely self-organized, policed and managed by the student community. Some more

ID: kmi-07-01

Date: 2007

Author(s): Peter Scott, Linda Castańeda, Kevin Quick, Jon Linney

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Knowledge work in nursing and midwifery: an evaluation through computer mediated communication

Recent changes in policy and culture require health workers to incorporate ??knowledge work?? as a routine component of professional practice. Innovative computer-mediated communication technologies provide the opportunity to evaluate the nature of ??knowledge work?? within nursing and midwifery. This study embedded an online discussion system into an acute NHS Trust to support interaction within communities of practice. The complete record of online communications was analysed. Nurses more

ID: kmi-06-10

Date: 2006

Author(s): Fiona Brooks, Peter Scott

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Heroic failures in disseminating novel e-learning technologies to corporate clients: a case study of interactive webcasting

In principle, it should be easier to disseminate novel learning concepts based in technology enhanced learning to companies. Unfortunately, many corporations seem to be extremely risk averse, and the challenges inherent in the new models seem to be very hard for them to accept. This paper uses the deployment of interactive webcasting systems to present a series of case studies of dissemination successes and failures. We will suggest that the key to successful deployment is in making more

ID: kmi-05-01

Date: 2005

Author(s): Peter Scott, Kevin Quick

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Date: 2004

Author(s): Peter Scott

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Assisted Electronic Communication in Nursing

This Assisted Electronic Communication research project explored the potential of information technologies to change communication behaviours and facilitate improvements in health care practice and service delivery. A central concern of this work has been the impact of new technology on communication processes and structures within the nursing professions. To explore this issue, we created, administered and evaluated a core document discussion space system supported by the deployment of more

ID: kmi-04-09

Date: 2004

Author(s): Peter Scott, Fiona Brooks, Kevin Quick, Maria Macintyre, Christine Rospopa

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'You got tagged!': the city as a playground

This paper introduces CitiTag, a collaborative project focused on social experiences and group play in public spaces, based on the awareness of other peoples' presence, through the use of mobile technology. Cititag is a wireless location based multiplayer game inspired by the concept of playground 'tag' and motivated by the hypothesis that simple rules based on presence states can result in an enjoyable and variable social experience, stimulated by real world interaction among players and more

ID: kmi-04-03

Date: 2004

Author(s): Yanna Vogiazou, Bas Raijmakers, Ben Clayton, Marc Eisenstadt, Erik Geelhoed, Jon Linney, Kevin Quick, Josephine Reid, Peter Scott

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