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Champion: Carlos Pedrinaci
Senior Research Fellow RDF Icon
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Participant(s):John Domingue, Dong Liu

Similar Technologies:SOA4All, Internet Reasoning Service (IRS), SWEET



Where Linked Data Meets Services

iServe is a platform for publishing Semantic Web Services as linked data, no matter their original format. iServe addresses the publication of services from a novel perspective based upon lessons learnt from the evolution of the Web of Data. It transforms service annotations expressed in a variety of formats including SAWSDL, OWL-S and MicroWSMO into what we refer to as Linked Services – linked data describing services – that can directly be interpreted by state of the art Semantic Web technologies for their discovery and further processing.


14 Jul 2015

Paul Alexander

24 Oct 2010

John Domingue

02 Apr 2008

John Domingue


Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Marco-Ruiz, L., Pedrinaci, C., Maldonado, J., Panziera, L., Chen, R. and Bellika, J. (2016) Publication, Discovery and Interoperability of Clinical Decision Support Systems: a Linked Data Approach, Journal of Biomedical Informatics


Villalba, A., Perez, J., Carrera, D., Pedrinaci, C. and Panziera, L. (2015) servIoTicy and iServe: a Scalable Platform for Mining the IoT, Workshop: Big Data and Data Mining Challenges on IoT and Pervasive Systems (BigD2M) at International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), London, UK

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Rodriguez-Mier, P., Pedrinaci, C., Lama, M. and Mucientes, M. (2015) An Integrated Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition Framework, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

Publications | Download PDF Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Pedrinaci, C., Cardoso, J. and Leidig, T. (2014) Linked USDL: a Vocabulary for Web-scale Service Trading, 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014), Springer


Mandler, B., Antonelli, F., Kleinfeld, R., Pedrinaci, C., Carrera, D., Gugliotta, A., Schreckling, D., Carreras, I., Raggett, D., Pous, M., Villares, C. and Trifa, V. (2013) COMPOSE - A journey from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Services, Workshop: Cloud Computing Project and Initiatives - CCPI'13

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