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philosurfical technology full details

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Champion: Enrico Motta
Professor of Knowledge Technologies Email Icon Website Icon RDF Icon

Participant(s):Michele Pasin, Zdenek Zdrahal



Semantically browse a philosophical text

PhiloSURFical is an application built to experiment the new navigation mechanisms the Semantic Web can make available. Thanks to a domain ontology, the navigation and understanding of a philosophical text is enhanced by providing it with a series of departing contextual pathways. We call these pathways "learning narratives", as they dynamically recollect dispersed web-resources and organize them into a coherent narrative, whose structure is inspired by perspectives commonly used when teaching philosophy (e.g. theoretical, historical, geographical, argumentative..)


Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Pasin, M. and Motta, E. (2011) Ontological requirements for annotation and navigation of philosophical resources, Synthese, 182, 2, pp. 235-267, Springer Netherlands


Pasin, M., Motta, E. and Zdrahal, Z. (2007) Capturing Knowledge About Philosophy, K-CAP 2007 - The Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Capture


Pasin, M. (2007) PhiloSURFical: browse Wittgenstein’s Tractatus with the Semantic Web, The 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (ALWS), Kirchberg am Wechsel, Lower Austria

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Pasin, M. and Motta, E. (2007) Supporting Philosophers' Work through the Semantic Web: Ontological Issues, Workshop: Fifth International Workshop on Ontologies and Semantic Web for E-Learning (SWEL-07), Marina Del Rey, California, USA

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