Alumni Member
Laurian Gridinoc (Alumni) 
Research Student
My interests are towards Semantic Web, identification and reference on the web, and semantic navigation.
I'm also interested in REST (REpresentational State Transfer) and ROC (Resource Oriented Computing) as styles of software architecture for distributed hypermedia systems, such as the web (but not limited to).
Maleshkova, M., Gridinoc, L., Pedrinaci, C. and Domingue, J. (2009) Supporting the Semi-Automatic Acquisition of Semantic RESTful Service Descriptions, Poster at ESWC 2009
Maleshkova, M., Gridinoc, L., Pedrinaci, C. and Domingue, J. (2009) Semi-Automatic Acquisition of Semantic RESTful Service Descriptions, Poster at 2nd STI International Offsite, Crete, Greece
d'Aquin, M., Sabou, M., Motta, E., Angeletou, S., Gridinoc, L., Lopez, V. and Zablith, F. (2008) What can be done with the Semantic Web? An Overview of Watson-based Applications, 5th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives, SWAP 2008, Rome, Italy
Gridinoc, L. and d'Aquin, M. (2008) MOAW - URI's Everywhere, Workshop: 4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web (challenge entry) at ESWC 2008, Tenerife, Spain
d'Aquin, M., Motta, E., Sabou, M., Angeletou, S., Gridinoc, L., Lopez, V. and Guidi, D. (2008) Towards a New Generation of Semantic Web Applications, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 23, 3, pp. 20-28