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Champion: Fridolin Wild
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Participant(s):Laurian Gridinoc, Thomas Ullmann



mash-up personal learning environment

MUPPLE II is your learning companion in the web. It supports you in learning new best practices from all the others out there - new practices in how to use tools for learning effectively. More precisely, MUPPLE II helps you to trace and replay usage strategies on the web. As a learner, you learn how to work with all the cool new tools on the web without loosing endless hours exploring their 'potential'. As a more knowledgeable other, you give your fellow peers a guide at hand that brings them up to speed - without you bothering to explain the thing over and over again. MUPPLE II is of course built as a Firefox Jetpack.


Publications | Download PDF Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Wild, F., Ullmann, T., Scott, P., Rebedea, T. and Hoisl, B. (2011) Applicability of the Technology Acceptance Model for Widget-based Personal Learning Environments, Workshop: 1st Workshop on Exploring Fitness and Evolvability of Personal Learning Environments (EFEPLE'11) at Alpine Rendezvous, La Clusaz, France Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Exploring Fitness and Evolvability of Personal Learning Environments, eds. Effie L-C Law, Felix Moedritscher, Martin Wolpers, Denis Gillet, 773, pp. 39-48, CEUR-WS, Sun SITE Central Europe

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Wild, F., (eds.) (2010) Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Mashup Personal Learning Environments. In conjunction with the 5th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ECTEL'10): Sustaining TEL, 638, CEUR-WS, Sun SITE Central Europe

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Wild, F., Moedritscher, F. and Sigurdarson, S. (2010) Mash-Up Personal Learning Environments Mash­-Up Personal Learning Environments, in eds. Magoulis, E-Infrastructures and Technologies for Lifelong Learning, IGI

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