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elegi project full details

Champion: Peter Scott
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Participant(s):Marc Eisenstadt, Jiri Komzak, Chris Denham

Timeline:01 Feb 2004 - 31 Jan 2008



European Learning Grid Infrastructure

The European Learning Grid Infrastructure (ELeGI) project has the ambitious goal to develop software technologies for effective human learning. With the ELeGI project we will promote and support a learning paradigm shift. A new paradigm focused on knowledge construction using experiential based and collaborative learning approaches in a contextualised, personalised and ubiquitous way will replace the current information transfer paradigm focused on content and on the key authoritative figure of the teacher who provides information.

We have chosen a synergic approach, sometimes called human centred design, to replace the classical, applicative approach to learning. With consideration of humans at the centre, learning is clearly a social, constructive phenomenon. It occurs as a side effect of interactions, conversations and enhanced presence in dynamic Virtual Communities: experimental research concepts integrating new powerful developments of services in the Semantic GRID, the leading edge of currently available and future ICT technologies, with highly innovative and powerfully significant scenarios of human learning.


21 Nov 2004

John Domingue


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Zhu, J., (2007) Social Search With Missing Data: Which Ranking Algorithm?, Journal of Digital Information Management special issue on Web Information Retrieval, eds. Pit.Pichappan, Keith van Rijsbergen, and Iadh Ounis, Digital Information Research Foundation


Vogiazou, Y. and Eisenstadt, M. (2005) Play based on Presence Awareness: facilitating Emergent Social Behaviours Online, International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education (special issue on Social Learning Through Gaming), 2, 2, pp. 113 126, Troubador Publishing Ltd.

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Vogiazou, Y., Eisenstadt, M., Dzbor, M. and Komzak, J. (2005) From Buddyspace to CitiTag: Large scale Symbolic Presence for Community Building and Spontaneous Play, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Santa Fe, New Mexico

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