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Showing all 19 projects filtered by the letter o

OARR logo


Open Acess Repository Registry



Observing and Negating Matthew Effects in Responsible Research and Innovation Transition

Open Blockchain logo

Open Blockchain

Investigating The Potential Of Blockchains

Open Networking Lab logo

Open Networking Lab

Practical learning about computer networking

OpenLang Network logo

OpenLang Network

A language learning network for Erasmus+ KA1 mobility participants

OpenSTEM Africa Blockchain logo

OpenSTEM Africa Blockchain

Leveraging Blockchain for OpenSTEM Africa

ORBIS logo


Augmenting participation, co-creation, trust and transparency in Deliberative Democracy at all scales

Organised Crime Group Mapping logo

Organised Crime Group Mapping

Analysing methods for assessing the risk of organised crime

OU Analyse logo

OU Analyse

The OU Analyse project is piloting new machine learning based methods for early identification of students who are at risk of failing.

OER logo


Open Educations Resources and Social Networks

OLnet logo
OPAL logo


Online Personal Academic Librarian

Open Guide to Milton Keynes logo

Open Guide to Milton Keynes

Community guide to Milton Keynes that anyone can edit

Open Sensemaking Communities logo

Open Sensemaking Communities

Helping e-learners construct interpretations of open content courseware

OpenKnowledge logo


Open Architecture for Coordinated Knowledge Sharing

OpenLearn logo


Open Content Initiative

OpenMinTeD  logo


Open Mining Infrastructure for Text & Data

OpenScout logo


Skill based scouting of open user-generated and community-improved content for management education and training

OU Go logo

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Research Themes

Latest Seminar
Dr Shweta Suran
Centre for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

The I in Misinformation: Understanding the Role of Individual Behavior in Social Media Information Diffusion

Watch the live webcast

#kmiou on Bluesky


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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