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Showing all 6 projects filtered by the letter h

HUB4NGI logo


Unlocking the value of the Next Generation Internet

Human-Computer Collaborative Learning in Citizen Science logo

Human-Computer Collaborative Learning in Citizen Science

This project explores the potential for collaborative learning between humans and machines within the framework of environmental citizen science.

HERoS logo


Health Emergency Response in Interconnected Systems

Hypermedia Discourse logo

Hypermedia Discourse

Conceptual foundations and practical tools at the nexus of Deliberation, Argumentation and Software

Hallé KTP logo

Hallé KTP

A Knowledge Transfer Partnership project between the Hallé Concerts Society and KMi

Heronsgate Middle School Site logo

Heronsgate Middle School Site

Developing rich multimedia with schools and the local community

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Research Themes

Latest Seminar
Prof Dene Grigar
Washington State University Vancouver

Electronic Literature: The challenges of born-digital fiction

Watch the live webcast

#kmiou on Bluesky


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1908 653800

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Email: KMi Support


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Email: KMi Development Team