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Showing all 13 projects filtered by the letter t

TCBL logo
TELL-ME logo


Technology Enhanced Learning Livinglab for Manufacturing Environments

Tech-It-Easy logo


information system, based on analytical and knowledge-based tools



Future gazing TEL: the roadmap for the unknown Learning landscape

The Open University Linked Data logo

The Open University Linked Data

The home of open linked data from The Open University.

The UK Multimedia Knowledge Management Network logo

The UK Multimedia Knowledge Management Network

Enhance communication between the experts in both academia and industry

TINY-IN logo


True Interactivity for Young Viewers of Virtual Broadcast Content via Intelligent Interfaces

Tactile Multimedia logo

Tactile Multimedia

Point, click and watch might become drag, feel and think

The Bookshelf Project logo

The Bookshelf Project

Find out who has which books using ISBN and web service lookup

The Virtual Corporate University logo

The Virtual Corporate University

Streaming media solution to the corporate university sector

The Virtual Microscope logo

The Virtual Microscope

Directly manipulate photorealistic rock sample slides

The Virtual Student Advisor logo

The Virtual Student Advisor

On-line multimedia support for Open Learning



EU H2020 project to develop advanced method for detecting and measuring violent radicalisation behaviour on social media.

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Research Themes

Latest Seminar
Jocelyn Burnham
AI for Culture

AI: Creating for Culture with Jocelyn Burnham

Watch the live webcast

#kmiou on Bluesky


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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