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l204 summer school blog project full details

Champion: Chris Valentine
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Participant(s):Anna Comas-Quinn, Raquel Mardomingo, Chris Valentine

Timeline:01 Jan 2007


L204 Summer School Blog

A photo and audio blog for Spanish language students

Students on the L204 second level course "Viento en popa" sent images and voice recordings from their mobile phones as they walked around the historic town of Santiago de Compostela in North Western Spain during their week-long summer school in August 2007. The website was built around the same software and systems previously employed in KMi's Xtreme Webcasts, with the addition of Google Maps via their API.


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Comas-Quinn, A., Mardomingo, R. and Valentine, C. (2009) Mobile blogs in language learning: making the most of informal and situated learning opportunities, ReCALL, 21, 1, pp. 96-112, European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning

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