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servicecore project full details

Champion: Petr Knoth
Professor of Data Science Email Icon Website Icon RDF Icon
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Participant(s):Zdenek Zdrahal

Similar Projects:CORE - COnnecting REpositories

Timeline:01 Nov 2011 - 31 Jul 2012



Services for Connected Repositories

The ServiceCORE project aims to develop a new nation-wide aggregation service that will improve the discovery of research publications stored across British Open Access repositories. The ServiceCORE project will extend the solution provided by the CORE system, developed in the first stage of the Resource Discovery programme. CORE is a pilot system that harvests both content and metadata from British repositories and makes them accessible through three applications - a Web portal, a Mobile application and a Plugin for institutional repositories. The ServiceCORE project will extend this system with:

(a) a new Web Service layer working on top of the CORE Linked Data repository, providing programmable access to both content and metadata,

(b) an enhanced related resource discovery system based on text-mining,

(c) a pilot tool for automatic subject-based classification of content using text categorisation techniques.

The ServiceCORE will also increase the CORE repository coverage to at least 80% of British OAI-PMH compliant repositories and will improve the policies for content updating.


Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Knoth, P. and Zdrahal, Z. (2012) CORE: Three Access Levels to Underpin Open Access, D-Lib Magazine, 18, 11/12, Corporation for National Research Initiatives

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