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the uk multimedia knowledge management network project full details

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Champion: Stefan Rueger
Emeritus Professor Email Icon RDF Icon

Timeline:22 Sep 2006


The UK Multimedia Knowledge Management Network

Enhance communication between the experts in both academia and industry

The UK Multimedia Knowledge Management Network consists of research teams from seven UK universities who work in this new interdisciplinary field. The aim of this network is to enhance communication between the experts in both academia and industry, and to maintain shared resources for the direct benefit of the research community. The network is hosted at and maintained by Imperial College London.

<b>Project Objectives</b>


<li class="list"><span class="body">promote communication through workshops and meetings, e-mail lists and web sites.</span></li>

<li class="list"><span class="body">develop a research roadmap for multimedia knowledge management and its research applications</span></li>

<li class="list"><span class="body">create and maintain shared resources for the direct benefit of the research community</span></li>

<li class="list"><span class="body">assist in training and development of new and existing researchers in the field</span></li>

<li class="list"><span class="body">promote the Network activity to potential members, beneficiaries, collaborators and users</span></li>

<li class="list"><span class="body">develop and implement a strategy for continuation of network activity after 3 years of EPSRC funding </span></li>


Relevant research topics within Multimedia Knowledege Management include, but are not limited to, multimedia analysis, indexing, storage and delivery, needs elicitation and analysis, retrieval, summarisation, presentation and personalisation, crafting appropriate access environments, capitalisation and evaluation.

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AI for Culture

AI: Creating for Culture with Jocelyn Burnham

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Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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