Showing all 5 Tech Reports linked to Bertrand Sereno

A Document-Centric Semantic Annotation Environment to Support Sense-Making

Prototype Internet infrastructures for scholarly publishing are offering powerful new services over the interconnected ideas and arguments in a literature. However, such services depend on documents being semantically annotated with readers' interpretations, which up until now has been a manual process due to the complexity of such analysis. This thesis investigates the challenge of designing computer-support for document annotation in the context of potentially diverse, contested views about more

ID: KMI-06-13

Date: 2006

Author(s): Bertrand Sereno

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ClaimSpotter: an Environment to Support Sensemaking with Knowledge Triples

Annotating a document with an interpretation of its contents raises a number of challenges that we are hoping to address via the creation of a supporting environment. We present these challenges and motivate an approach based on the notion of suggestions to support document annotation, hoping these suggestions would act as leads to follow for annotators, therefore reducing some of the difficulties inherent to the task. The environment resulting from this approach, ClaimSpotter, is more

ID: kmi-04-29

Date: 2004

Author(s): Bertrand Sereno, Simon Buckingham Shum, Enrico Motta

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Modelling Naturalistic Argumentation in Research Literatures: Representation and Interaction Design Issues

This paper characterises key weaknesses in the ability of current digital libraries to support scholarly inquiry, and as a way to address these, proposes computational services grounded in semiformal models of the naturalistic argumentation commonly found in research lteratures. It is argued that a design priority is to balance formal expressiveness with usability, making it critical to co-evolve the modelling scheme with appropriate user interfaces for argument construction and analysis. more

ID: kmi-04-28

Date: 2004

Author(s): Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Victoria Uren, Gangmin Li, Bertrand Sereno, Clara Mancini

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Semantic Annotation Support in the Absence of Consensus

We are interested in the annotation of knowledge which does not necessarily require a consensus. Scholarly debate is an example of such a category of knowledge where disagreement and contest are widespread and desirable, and unlike many Semantic Web approaches, we are interested in the capture and the compilation of these conflicting viewpoints and perspectives. The Scholarly Ontologies project provides the underlying formalism to represent this meta-knowledge, and we will look at ways more

ID: kmi-04-01

Date: 2004

Author(s): Bertrand Sereno, Victoria Uren, Simon Buckingham Shum, Enrico Motta

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Interfaces for Capturing Interpretations of Research Literature

The ClaiMaker collaborative sense-making and annotation tools allow single users and groups to build and query hypertextual argument maps of research literatures. We describe the discourse ontology used by the system, and four design principles that were followed to make it usable for non-knowledge engineers. We present several generations of capture interfaces showing how they are evolving to make ClaiMaker more accessible for novice more

ID: kmi-03-06

Date: 2003

Author(s): Victoria Uren, Bertrand Sereno, Simon Buckingham Shum, Gangmin Li

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