Alumni Member
Keerthi Thomas (Alumni) 
Research Associate

I research privacy and data protection for big data generated by smart city technologies. In particular, my research focuses on architecture for automated privacy rights management in a smart city data hub ( As my research interests lay in both the problem and solution spaces, I aim to translate problem knowledge into innovative designs and engineer practical solutions. From a software engineering perspective, I look at how software engineers might be benefited in exploiting the use of privacy enhancing technologies in their system design.
As an Associate Lecturer at The Open University I tutor an undergraduate module in Computer Science - 'M269: Algorithms, data structures and computability'.
Before completing a PhD in Software Engineering from the OU in 2013, I worked in the industry as a Software Engineer / Systems Analyst for 10 years.
Thomas, K. (2014) Privacy Implications of Online Consumer-Activity Data: An Empirical Study, Workshop: Privacy Online 2014 - Second Workshop on Society, Privacy and the Semantic Web - Policy and Technology, Trentino, Italy
d'Aquin, M., Adamou, A., Daga, E., Liu, S., Thomas, K. and Motta, E. (2014) Dealing with Diversity in a Smart-City Datahub, Workshop: 5th Workshop on Semantics for Smarter Cities
Thomas, K., Fernandez, M., Brown, S. and Alani, H. (2014) OUSocial2: a platform for gathering students' feedback from social media, The 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy (Forthcoming)
Thomas, K., Bandara, A., Price, B. and Nuseibeh, B. (2014) Distilling Privacy Requirements for Mobile Applications, 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2014), Hyderabad, India, pp. 871-882
d'Aquin, M. and Thomas, K. (2013) Modeling and Reasoning Upon Facebook Privacy Settings, Demo at International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2013
Tech Reports
On the Privacy Implications of Releasing Consumer-Activity Data
Techreport ID: kmi-13-02
Date: 2013
Author(s): Keerthi Thomas,Mathieu d'Aquin
Consumer Activity Data: Usages and Challenges
Techreport ID: kmi-12-03
Date: 2012
Author(s): Mathieu d'Aquin,Keerthi Thomas