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Champion: John Domingue
Professor of Computer Science Email Icon Website Icon RDF Icon
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Participant(s):Michelle Bachler, Kevin Quick, Robert Herian, Keerthi Thomas, Chris Valentine, Marc Eisenstadt


Open Blockchain

Investigating The Potential Of Blockchains

A blockchain is a publicly shared immutable ledger ļæ½ an append only log of transactions which uses crypto-currency techniques to minimise any security risk. Transactions are contained in blocks which are linked together through a series of hash pointers. Any tampering of a block can be detected since the hash pointer to it would no longer be valid. As a ledger system it is very open. In addition to the source code being openly available a key feature of blockchains is that in principle every user has their own copy of the entire blockchain. In fact, there is no central or master copy simply the multiple copies held by the volunteers in the user community. Volunteers are rewarded for their effort through a number of algorithmic processes which can result in payment. Small payments can be attached to individual transactions. Consensus on what types of blocks and transactions can be part of the blockchain is automatically reached according to whether the majority of blockchain holders accept newly proposed blocks. This attribute leads to a system where consensus is hardwired into the software. Without the need for any central control or mediator blockchains allow for leaderless democracy - a new way of governing human behaviour online through "one computer one vote". In this way, a blockchain can act as a provenance protocol for sharing data across disparate semi-trusting organizations.


20 Mar 2024

Alexander Mikroyannidis

14 Aug 2023

Alexander Mikroyannidis

01 Dec 2022

Alexander Mikroyannidis

11 Oct 2022

Alexander Mikroyannidis

15 Mar 2022

Alexander Mikroyannidis

View all 45 Articles


Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Mikroyannidis, A., Third, A. and Domingue, J. (2024) Blockchain-based decentralised micro-accreditation for lifelong learning, Interactive Learning Environments, pp. 1-15

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Mikroyannidis, A. and Armakolas, S. (2024) Decentralisation and Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education, 12th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning (ICODL), Athens, Greece, 12, 6, pp. 1-14

Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | doi 

Bozkurt, A., Gjelsvik, T., Adam, T., Asino, T., Atenas, J., Bali, M., Blomgren, C., Bond, M., Bonk, C., Brown, M., Burgos, D., Conrad, D., Costello, E., Cronin, C., Czerniewicz, L., Deepwell, M., Deimann, M., DeWaard, H., Dousay, T., Ebner, M., Farrow, R., Gil-Jaurena, I., Havemann, L., Inamorato, A., Irvine, V., Karunanayaka, S., Kerres, M., Lambert, S., Lee, K., Makoe, M., Marín, V., Mikroyannidis, A., Mishra, S., Naidu, S., Nascimbeni, F., Nichols, M., Olcott, D., Ossiannilsson, E., Otto, D., Rodriguez, B., Paskevicius, M., Roberts, V., Saleem, T., Schuwer, R., Sharma, R., Stewart, B., Stracke, C., Tait, A., Tlili, A., Ubachs, G., Weidlich, J., Weller, M., Xiao, J. and Zawacki-Richter, O. (2023) Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices, Open Praxis, 15, 2, pp. 76-112

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Mikroyannidis, A. (2022) The Role of Web 3.0 and Blockchain in the Future of Education, Proceedings of 7th Panhellenic Scientific Conference "Integration and Use of ICT in the Educational Process", University of Patras, Greece

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Mikroyannidis, A. (2022) Work-in-Progress: Piloting Smart Blockchain Badges for Lifelong Learning, 2021 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2021), Dresden, Germany

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