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alice project project full details

Champion: John Domingue
Professor of Computer Science Email Icon Website Icon RDF Icon
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Participant(s):Annie Brooking, Enrico Motta, Paul Mulholland, Arthur Stutt


Alice Project

Personal Web Shopping Experience

Currently shopping on the internet is often not a pleasant experience. Finding the right product can take considerable time, browsing related products is often not possible and websites can feels anonymous. Imagine if the experience was more like visiting your local corner shop. Within a friendly local shop the customer is attended by an agent which understands his or her needs, the relationships between the store's product lines and the specifics of the local community. We aim to construct a personal web shopping assistant that uses a variety of knowledge sources to create a personalised shopping experience. This project is being carried out in conjunction with the Icelandic internet company INNN (www.innn.com) who will licence the resultant technologies eventually selling a software product and service.

  • Helgi Petursson from INNN

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