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seals project full details

Champion: Liliana Cabral
Research Fellow RDF Icon

Participant(s):John Domingue

Timeline:01 Jun 2009 - 30 Jun 2012



Semantic Evaluation at Large Scale

The goal of the SEALS project is to provide an independent, open, scalable, extensible and sustainable infrastructure (the SEALS Platform) that allows the remote evaluation of semantic technologies thereby providing an objective comparison of the different existing semantic technologies. This will allow researchers and users to effectively compare the available technologies, helping them to select appropriate technologies and advancing the state of the art through continuous evaluation.

The SEALS Platform will provide an integrated set of semantic technology evaluation services and test suites. They will be used in two public and worldwide evaluation campaigns. The results of these evaluation campaigns will be used to create semantic technology roadmaps identifying sets of efficient and compatible tools for developing large-scale semantic applications.

The semantic technology evaluation services will initially be available for five different types of technologies (ontology engineering tools, storage and reasoning systems, matching tools, semantic search tools, and semantic web service tools) and for different evaluation criteria (interoperability, scalability, etc.). The platform will provide easy and free access to the evaluation services and to the results of the evaluations performed.


24 Sep 2012

John Domingue

06 Jul 2009

John Domingue



Nixon, L., (2011) The State of Semantic Technology Today - Overview of the First SEALS Evaluation Campaigns, 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS), Graz, Austria

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Cabral, L. and Toma, I. (2010) Evaluating Semantic Web Service tools using the SEALS Platform, Workshop: International Workshop on Evaluation of Semantic Technologies (IWEST 2010) at ISWC 2010, Shanghai, China

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