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semantic blogging project full details

Champion: Simon Buckingham Shum
Professor of Learning Informatics RDF Icon
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Participant(s):Marc Eisenstadt, Bertrand Sereno

Timeline:01 Oct 2004


Semantic Blogging

Link blog entries with meaningful relations (such as 'agree', 'disagree') instead of just plain link

We are investigating Web Logs ('blogs') as a new paradigm for distributed knowledge construction and sensemaking, whether for Open University students, or communities of interest of any sort. Our interest in Semantic Blogging flows from ongoing research themes in KMi on hypermedia discourse and social software.

Semantic Blogging is for us an intruiging convergence of practices and tools which could help us address long-standing challenges and themes in Knowledge Media:

How can we support distributed sensemaking and argumentation with tools that are both intuitive enough to be quickly learnt, flexible enough for widespread adoption in everyday work, but provide enough semantics for computational support?

How can human-generated narrative co-exist and synergise with computational-semantics to create hybrid layers of meaning?

How do people adopt, break, customize and share metadata schemes?

How can we provide summaries and filters over complex networks of interweaving commentary and inter-document connection?

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Research Themes

Latest Seminar
Prof Dene Grigar
Washington State University Vancouver

Electronic Literature: The challenges of born-digital fiction

Watch the live webcast

#kmiou on Bluesky


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1908 653800

Fax: +44 (0)1908 653169

Email: KMi Support


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