Alumni Member
Fridolin Wild (Alumni) 
Research Fellow
Fridolin Wild is now a professor at the Institute of Educational Technology of The Open University, follow the link for more information:
During his time at KMi, Fridolin Wild was championing research on performance augmentation ('learning by experience'), consequently looking into wearables-enhanced learning and performance analytics.
Fridolin Wild was a research associate at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University of the UK. His relevant experience as Principal Investigator included the TELLME project (the learning models work package) and the LTfLL project (coordinating the infrastructure work package). Since May 2009 he had been the deputy coordinator of the European network of excellence STELLAR. He shadowed the lead of the work package on community building and sustains this in the ROLE project and a European policy project on TEL Futures, TEL-Map.
Fridolin was the voted treasurer of the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning (EATEL). He studied information science in Regensburg, Hildesheim, and Munich (all Germany). He founded axon-e interactive media in 1998, and managed numerous commercial and governmental projects there until he left the company in 2003. In 2004 he graduated as magister artium in information science and politology.
Between 2004 and 2009, Fridolin worked as a scientist at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in Austria within the European projects PROLEARN, iCAMP, LTfLL, and ROLE thereby serving as the overall technical manager with an additional work package lead in interoperability of social software learning tools in iCamp, leading the work package infrastructure within LTfLL, and leading a work package on community building and sustaining in the ROLE project.
Keys: technology-enhanced learning, augmented reality, knowledge-based systems, information retrieval
Team: Keyur Dave, Paul Hogan, Simon Knight, Paul Lefrere, Giuseppe Scavo, Thomas Ullmann
Wild, F., Coughlan, T., Davies, S., Shepherd, R., Collins, T., King, A. and Carew, J. (2024) eXtended Reality and Accessibility in Online and Distance Learning: Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges, 10th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Law, E. and Wild, F. (2015) A Multidimensional Evaluation Framework for Personal Learning Environments, Responsive Open Learning Environments - Outcomes of Research from the ROLE Project, eds. Sylvana Kroop, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Martin Wolpers, pp. 49-77, Springer International Publishing
Wild, F., Scott, P., Karjalainen, J., Helin, K., Lind-Kohvakka, S. and Naeve, A. (2014) An Augmented Reality Job Performance Aid for Kinaesthetic Learning in Manufacturing Work Places, EC-TEL 2014 Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities, eds. Rensing, de Freitas, Ley, Muńoz-Merino, LNCS 8719, pp. 470-475, Springer
Megliola, M., Vito, G., Sanguini, R., Wild, F. and Lefrere, P. (2014) Creating awareness of kinaesthetic learning using the Experience API: current practices, emerging challenges, possible solutions, Workshop: Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning (ARTEL'14) at EC-TEL 2014, 1238
Wild, F., Scott, P., Lefrere, P., Karjalainen, J., Helin, K., Naeve, A. and Isaksson, E. (2014) Towards data exchange formats for learning experiences in manufacturing workplaces, Workshop: Awareness and Reflection in Technology-Enhanced Learning (ARTEL'14) at ECTEL 2014