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Showing all 7 Hot New Media Systems technologies

cRunch logo


calc a little, learn a lot.

FlashMeeting Technology logo

FlashMeeting Technology

The lightest possible video-conferencing software application

FOSTER (fosteropenscience.eu) logo

FOSTER (fosteropenscience.eu)

FOSTER was a coordination initiative that promoted the integration of open access principles and practice in the current research workflow.

LiteMap logo


LiteMap is a Web tool for mapping out visually the content of online debates across different forums and Websites.

Podcasting logo


A short introduction to podcasting

PT Anywhere logo

PT Anywhere

PT Anywhere offers a network simulation environment via a web interface.

Virtual Reality Robotic Embodiment and Control (VRREC) logo

Virtual Reality Robotic Embodiment and Control (VRREC)

Virtual Reality Robotic Embodiment and Control (VRREC) is an app for Oculus Quest enabling the full-body remote control of a robotic platform

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Research Themes

Latest Seminar
Em Dean
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University

An AI Ethics Primer - How to apply basic ethical principles to machine decisions

Watch the live webcast

#kmiou on Bluesky


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The Open University
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Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

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