Internal / External Events

Previous Events

Linked Data for Knowledge Discovery 2014 | Website Screenshot

Linked Data for Knowledge Discovery 2014
ECML PKDD 2014 - September 15-19, 2014. Nancy, France

"This interdisciplinary workshop will provide a forum for researchers to discuss and investigate established as well as potential avenues for interaction and cross-fertilisation between the two fields of Knowledge Discovery and Linked Data, both considered broadly..."

ESWC Summer School 2014 | Website Screenshot

4th ESWC Summer School 2014
1st - 6th September 2014. Kalamaki, Crete, GR

"The 4th ESWC Summer School will run in southern Crete from the morning of Monday September 1st to midday Saturday September 6th 2014. The overall goal for this event is to provide intensive training and networking opportunities for the next EWC generation..."

LASI 2014 Harvard - Learning Analytics Summer Institute | Website Screenshot

LASI 2014
30th June - 1st July 2014, Harvard & Globally

"LASI-Harvard 2014's goals of building the LA field and developing the skills of researchers, educators and students will be achieved through a combination of lectures, hands-on tutorials, group work and ample opportunity for informal interactions..."

ICLS Workshop on Learning Analytics for Learning and Becoming in Practice | Website Screenshot

ICLS Workshop on Learning Analytics for Learning and Becoming in Practice
23rd June 2014, Boulder, Colorado, USA

"Learning Analytics sits at the intersection of the learning sciences and computational data capture and analysis. Analytics should be grounded in the existing literature with a view to data ‘geology’ over ‘mining’. This workshop explores how analytics may extend the common notion of activity trace data from processes to encompass practices, with a working distinction for discussion..."

ESWC Summer School 2013 | Website Screenshot

3rd ESWC Summer School 2013
2nd - 7th September 2013. Kalamaki, Crete, GR

"The overall goal for this event is to provide intensive training and networking opportunities for the next EWC generation. In particular we wish to facilitate the creation of a new cohort of ESWC: Master's, Ph.D. students and junior researchers..."

SSSW 2013 | Website Screenshot

SSSW 2013, The 10th Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web
7th - 13th July 2013. Cercedilla, near Madrid (Spain)

"The groundbreaking SSSW series of summer schools started in 2003. It is now a well-established event within the research community and a role model for several other initiatives. In 2013, we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of SSSW..."

K-CAP 2013 | Website Screenshot

K-CAP 2013, The Seventh International Conference on Knowledge Capture
23rd - 26th June 2013. Banff, Canada

"In today's technology-driven society, effective access to and use of information is a key enabler for progress. Driven by the demands for knowledge-based applications and the unprecedented availability of information on the Web..."

SSSW Brazil | Website Screenshot

SSSW Brazil, The 1st Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web
5th - 11th May 2013. Brazil

"The first South-American Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web (SSSW@Brazil 2013) will take place on 5-11 May, 2013 at the Recanto Champagnat in Lagoa da Conceição, Florianopolis, Brazil."

CSCW 2012 | Collective Intelligence as Community Discourse and Action

A Workshop at CSCW2012

"Collective Intelligence (CI) research investigates the design of infrastructures to enable collectives to think and act intelligently, and intriguingly, more intelligently than individuals."

SmartProducts | Proactive Knowledge for Smart Products

SmartProducts Plenary

"SmartProducts develops the scientific and technological basis for building "smart products" with embedded "proactive knowledge"."

NoTube | Networks and Ontologies for the Transformation and Unification of Broadcasting and the intErnet

NoTube Plenary Meeting

"The ultimate goal of this project is to develop flexible/adaptive end-to-end architecture, based on semantic technologies, for personalised creation, distribution and consumption of TV content."

WeGov | Where eGovernment meets the eSociety

WeGov GA Meeting

"Social networking technology provides major new opportunities for policy makers (eGovernment) to engage with the community (eSociety)."

SEALS | Semantic Evaluation At Large Scale

SEALS Plenary Meeting

"The SEALS project aims to address two key challenges: the creation of a lasting reference infrastructure for semantic technology evaluation (the SEALS Platform) and the continuous evaluation of semantic technologies at a large scale via public world-wide evaluation campaigns."

JCDL2010: Multimedia Information Retrieval Tutorial

JCDL2010: Multimedia Information Retrieval Tutorial

"This full-day tutorial will be presented by Suzanne Little during the JCDL conference held on Australia's Gold Coast, Monday June 21."

1st IRF Conference 2010 | IRF Scientific Forum

1st IRF Conference 2010 IRF Scientific Forum

"The 1st Information Retrieval Facility Conference provides a multi-disciplinary, scientific forum for researchers using the IRF research infrastructure."

Ontology Workshop

Ontology Workshop

"The objective of the workshop is to bring together members of the UK community interested in the future of ontology and its applications."

ECIR 2010 | 32nd European Conference on Information Retrieval

ECIR 2010 32nd European Conference on Information Retrieval

"The annual BCS-IRSG European Conference on Information Retrieval is the main European forum for the presentation of new research results in the field of Information Retrieval."

ICTIR 2009

ICTIR'09 2nd International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval

"The purpose of ICTIR'09 is to present, discuss, analyze and integrate new theoretical results in IR, including the traditional and already well-established fields and approaches in IR, but also welcoming new approaches e.g., physics, linguistics, biology, philosphy, and other areas."

SSSW 2009

The Seventh Summer School on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web (SSSW'09)

"This summer school, presented by leading researchers in the field, is the successor to the well-received schools held in 2003, as part of the activities of the OntoWeb Network Consortium, and in 2004-2007, as part of the activities of the KnowledgeWeb Network of Excellence."

The 4th European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing

The 4th European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing

"This workshop series is designed to bring together PhD students, junior researchers working in the industry and those who completed their doctoral studies within the past few years."

ESWC 2009 - Semantic Web Services and their role within Enterprise Processes and a Service Web

ESWC 2009 - Semantic Web Services and their role within Enterprise Processes and a Service Web

"Service-Oriented Computing is commonly lauded as a silver bullet for Enterprise Application Integration, inter-organizational business processes implementation, and even as a general solution for all complex applications"

ESSENCE | eScience/Sensemaking/Climate Change

ESSENCE eScience/Sensemaking/Climate Change

"the world's first global climate collective intelligence event designed to bring together scientists, industrialists, campaigners and policy makers, and the emerging set of web-based sensemaking tools, to pool and deepen our understanding of the issues and options facing the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.The aim is to develop a comprehensive, distilled, visual map of the issues, evidence, arguments and options facing the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, that will be available for all to explore and enrich across the web"

WIP PPIG 2009 | The 5th Work-In-Progress Meeting of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group

WIP PPIG 2009 The 5th Work-In-Progress Meeting of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group

"The PPIG work-in-progress workshop is a forum in which researchers at all levels can present and discuss current work and recent results, findings and developments concerned with psychological aspects of software development."

ISWC 2008

ISWC 2008 Introduction to the Semantic Web Tutorial

"Following on from the popular event at ISWC 2007 in Busan we are pleased to be in a position to run the Introduction to Semantic Web tutorial again at this year's ISWC."

Corpus Profiling for Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing

Corpus Profiling for Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing

"We aim to bring together people from different research communities interested in exploring how corpus characteristics affect the behaviour of techniques in information retrieval and natural language processing, and to set out a roadmap for a shared research agenda."

OneSpace 2008 | First International Workshop on Blending Physical and Digital Spaces on the Internet

OneSpace 2008 First International Workshop on Blending Physical and Digital Spaces on the Internet

"The Internet constantly challenges our notions of place and space, and we believe that a cross-domain exploration of this process is needed to understand its evolution."

SSSW 2008

The Sixth Summer School on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web (SSSW'08)

"This summer school, presented by leading researchers in the field, is the successor to the well-received schools held in 2003, as part of the activities of the OntoWeb Network Consortium, and in 2004-2007, as part of the activities of the KnowledgeWeb Network of Excellence."

YR-SOC 2008

The 3rd European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing

"YR-SOC is a workshop on service oriented computing and is being held for the third time next year from June 12-13, 2008. The workshop will be hosted at Imperial College London. Earlier workshops were hosted at De Montfort University (1st) and University of Leicester (2nd) respectively, both at Leicester, UK."

ICTIR 2009

ISWC 07 Introduction to the Semantic Web Tutorial

"We are fortunate for this invited tutorial to have brought together a number of internationally leading researchers in the Semantic Web area. The goal for this tutorial is to give attendees an overview of the main concepts and issues in the area of the Semantic Web and Ontological Engineering."

IWOD 2007

International Workshop on Ontology Dynamics (IWOD)

"This workshop aims to bring together researchers interested in the field of ontology dynamics in order to discuss and analyze important characteristics, open research issues and recent research developments on the field."

ESWC 2006

3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC06)

"The 3rd Annual European Semantic Web Conference will be held in Budva, Montenegro from the 11th - 14th June, 2006. It will present the latest results in research and application in Semantic Web technologies (including knowledge markup languages, Semantic Web services, ontology management and more)."

CLUK 2006

9th Annual CLUK Research Colloquium (CLUK06)

"CLUK is a forum for the Computational Linguistics community in the UK ( Every year PhD students present their work in Computational Linguistics and related disciplines during an annual CLUK colloquium."

ICTIR 2009

User Aspects of the Semantic Web

"The aim of this workshop is to look at how an 'ordinary user' might be able to tap into the resources of the Semantic Web, find out about the value of these resources for their work practice or their general web use, and feel compelled to use and perhaps even contribute to Semantic Web resources."

EKAW 2004

The 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management

"The 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management is concerned with all aspects of eliciting, acquiring, modelling and managing knowledge, and their role in the construction of knowledge-intensive systems and services for the semantic web, knowledge management..."

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