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ai4edi project full details

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Champion: John Domingue
Professor of Computer Science Email Icon Website Icon RDF Icon
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Participant(s):Harith Alani, Anna De Liddo, Tracie Farrell, Miriam Fernandez, Paul Mulholland, Aisling Third, Jane Whild



AI technologies to tackle EDI related issues

AI is here. We interact with AI technology every time we search online, interact on a social media platform or use a credit card. We know that AI can be a force for good, for example, OU Analyse uses machine learning to help identify students at risk of failing. Given the ubiquity of this technology, it is important though that we understand its potential impact, good and bad, for all users. Within AI4EDI we will highlight EDI issues related to AI research and innovation. In particular, how AI can help address EDI issues, such as the awarding gap for black students, and EDI challenges that can be present in AI systems, such as data and decision-making bias.


09 May 2023

Tracie Farrell

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