Showing all 12 Tech Reports linked to Marc Eisenstadt
The Open University at TREC 2006 Enterprise Track Expert Search Task
The Multimedia and Information Systems group at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University par-ticipated in the Expert Search task of the Enterprise Track in TREC 2006. We have proposed to address three main innovative points in a two-stage language model, which consists of a document relevance model and a co-occurrence model, in order to improve the performance of expert search. The three innovative points are based on characteristics of documents. First, document authority in more
ID: kmi-07-02
Date: 2007
Author(s): Jianhan Zhu, Dawei Song, Stefan Rüger, Marc Eisenstadt, Enrico Motta
Exploiting Semantic Association To Answer Vague Queries
Although today's web search engines are very powerful, they still fail to provide intuitively relevant results for many types of queries, especially ones that are vaguely-formed in the user's own mind. We argue that associations between terms in a search query can reveal the underlying information needs in the users' mind and should be taken into account in search. We propose a multi-faceted approach to detect and exploit such associations. The CORDER method measures the association more
ID: KMI-06-01
Date: 2006
Author(s): Jianhan Zhu, Marc Eisenstadt, Dawei Song, Chris Denham
BuddyFinder-CORDER: Leveraging Social Networks for Matchmaking by Opportunistic Discovery
Online social networking tools are extremely popular, but can miss potential discoveries latent in the social 'fabric'. Matchmaking services can do naive profile matching with old database technology, and modern ontological markup, though powerful, can be onerous at data-input time. In this paper, we present a system called BuddyFinder-CORDER which can automatically produce a ranked list of buddies to match a user's search requirements specified in a term-based query, even in the absence more
ID: kmi-05-13
Date: 2005
Author(s): Jianhan Zhu, Marc Eisenstadt, Alexandre Goncalves, Chris Denham
From Buddyspace to CitiTag: Large-scale Symbolic Presence for Community Building and Spontaneous Play
In this paper we discuss the conceptual framework and principles that guide our work in the design of large-scale informal environments for collaborative work, learning and play, aiming to foster social bonds and to provide an exciting testbed for emergent social behaviours. We present three different applications we have developed: Buddyspace, an Instant Messaging environment for community building, BumperCars, an online presence-based multiplayer game and CitiTag, an experimental more
ID: kmi-04-25
Date: 2004
Author(s): Yanna Vogiazou, Marc Eisenstadt, Martin Dzbor and Jiri Komzak
Designing Multiplayer Games to Facilitate Emergent Social Behaviours Online
This paper discusses an exploratory case study of the design of games that facilitate spontaneous social interaction and group behaviours among distributed individuals, based largely on symbolic presence state changes. We present the principles guiding the design of our game environment: presence as a symbolic phenomenon, the importance of good visualization and the potential for spontaneous self-organization among groups of people. Our game environment, comprising a family of more
Play based on Presence Awareness: Facilitating Emergent Social Behaviours Online
In this paper, we present our underlying principles for the design of technology mediated social experiences based on the presence awareness of large numbers of people. We describe our environment for spontaneous play and recreational activities online, which aims to enhance group interaction and we discuss preliminary findings from three online multiplayer game more
'You got tagged!': the city as a playground
This paper introduces CitiTag, a collaborative project focused on social experiences and group play in public spaces, based on the awareness of other peoples' presence, through the use of mobile technology. Cititag is a wireless location based multiplayer game inspired by the concept of playground 'tag' and motivated by the hypothesis that simple rules based on presence states can result in an enjoyable and variable social experience, stimulated by real world interaction among players and more
ID: kmi-04-03
Date: 2004
Author(s): Yanna Vogiazou, Bas Raijmakers, Ben Clayton, Marc Eisenstadt, Erik Geelhoed, Jon Linney, Kevin Quick, Josephine Reid, Peter Scott
Buddyspace: Large-Scale Presence for Communities at Work and Play
Presence awareness' of peer-group members can enhance the emotional well-being of isolated learners and create a sense of community, fostering group communication and interaction. This paper presents our research framework in the design of presence-based applications for collaborative, learning and social environments and investigates the design of innovative playful and group learning activities for large numbers of people, based primarily on their mere presence. To promote the deployment more
ID: kmi-03-14
Date: 2003
Author(s): Yanna Vogiazou, Martin Dzbor, Jiri Komzak and Marc Eisenstadt
Presence Based Play Towards a Design for Large Group Social Interaction
This poster addresses the fundamental research questions that guide our first steps in the design of innovative playful activities for large numbers of people, based primarily on their mere presence. Our research framework draws upon the areas of multiplayer games, instant messaging, social psychology and group behaviour. We introduce the concept of 'presence based play' to describe the way social interaction based on the simultaneous presence of many people can be enhanced as a meaningful more
Visualization of Dynamic Chat Communication
This work is aimed at visualizing the dynamic behaviour of very large communication networks. The visualization of large graphs and networks is a crucial part of many applications, for which typical approaches are too demanding of computational resources. Since one of the most important issues is a visualization of the dynamic behaviour of graphs, special aspects of the visualization of huge graphs with dynamic behaviour are discussed. The paper describes an algorithm that speeds up more
KMi Stadium: Web-based Audio/Visual Interaction as Reusable Organisational Expertise
KMi Stadium is a Java-implemented medium for hosting distributed events on a very large scale on the Internet (or an Intranet), allowing thousands of simultaneous participants even over 28.8Kbps dial-up modems. Stadium makes available as a reusable resource audio, coordinated visuals, and secondary resources such as relevant documents, demonstrations and Web sites. Client-based desktop computers and set-top boxes with appropriate browsers can download custom applets which enable the more
ID: kmi-96-13
Date: 1996
Author(s): Marc Eisenstadt, Simon Buckingham Shum and Adam Freeman
The Knowledge Media Generation
This article describes the philosophy behind the Knowledge Media Institute's approach to teaching and learning. KMI emphasizes 'knowledge' rather than media 'content', and is looking at the role of knowledge assets and diverse technologies as they impact on life-long learning. The article includes an overview of KMI's past successes, including the Virtual Summer School and Virtual Microscope, as well as future research more