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Research Student
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Cíntia Rabello holds a BA in Languages and Literature (Portuguese/English) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and a Master�s Degree in Educational Technology in Science and Health from the same university.

She is a PhD student at the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programme in Applied Linguistics (PIPGLA/UFRJ) and was a visiting researcher under the supervision of Dr. Okada at the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi-OU) in 2013/2014.

Cíntia Rabello currently works as a lecturer at the graduate course in "English Language Teaching and Use of New Technologies" at Universidade Estácio de Sá in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (Brazil). She is a researcher at the Information and Communication Technologies Laboratory (LATEC/UFRJ), Language, Education and Technology Research Nucleus (Lingnet/UFRJ).

She is also an international research member of the Scientific Committee of the COLEARN Open Research Network (KMi/OU).

Her research interests comprise the areas of distance education, e-learning, virtual learning environments, social networking sites, learning networks, teacher professional development and education, and educational technology. At the moment she is investigating teacher competences for the use of digital technologies in Higher Education and colearning networks in teacher professional development via social media.

Keys: Colearn, Social network, teacher education, co-learning

Team: Antonio Roberto Coelho Serra, Andre Luis Correa, Heliomar Lima, Claudia Machado, Rossana Moura, Alexandra Okada, Karine Souza



Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Rabello, C. and Okada, A. (2014) Coaprendizagem e desenvolvimento profissional docente em ambientes abertos massivos, e-Curriculum Journal, 12, 3

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A., Rabello, C. and Ferreira, G. (2014) Developing 21st century skills through colearning with OER and social networks, Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2014 Research Workshop - EDEN 2014, Oxford

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Rabello, C., Okada, A. and Haguenauer, C. (2013) Tecnologias, novos letramentos e formação de professores: um estudo em comunidades de coaprendizagem, III Congresso Luso Brasileiro de educação a distância e e-learning, Lisbon, Portugal


Rabello, C., Okada, A. and Haguenauer, C. (2013) Multiliteracias e redes de coaprendizagem na formação docente na era digital, no 6th International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies

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