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coakting project full details

Champion: Simon Buckingham Shum
Professor of Learning Informatics RDF Icon
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Participant(s):Marc Eisenstadt, Jiri Komzak, Michelle Bachler, Albert Selvin

Timeline:01 Jan 2002 - 31 May 2004



Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Grid

Scientists located in different geographical regions are increasingly working closer with each other and relying on each other to accomplish their tasks and achieve common goals. Technologies such as the Access Grid and VRVS provide a suitable communication platform for these collaborations. However, as the tasks become more ambitious and complex, the need grows for additional structured support. The Advanced Knowledge Technologies Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (AKT IRC) project has developed useful knowledge management technologies that provide a good foundation for distributed knowledge sharing that is to be used to assist scientists' day to day work alongside current Grid collaboration tools such as the Access Grid and VRVS. CoAKTinG draws on and integrates AKT technologies to provide a set of complementary tools to provide this structured support.


15 Oct 2015

Kate Dungate



Vogiazou, Y. and Eisenstadt, M. (2005) Play based on Presence Awareness: facilitating Emergent Social Behaviours Online, International Journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education (special issue on Social Learning Through Gaming), 2, 2, pp. 113 126, Troubador Publishing Ltd.

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Vogiazou, Y., Eisenstadt, M., Dzbor, M. and Komzak, J. (2005) From Buddyspace to CitiTag: Large scale Symbolic Presence for Community Building and Spontaneous Play, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Santa Fe, New Mexico

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