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open sensemaking communities project full details

Champion: Simon Buckingham Shum
Professor of Learning Informatics RDF Icon
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Participant(s):Simon Buckingham Shum, Marc Eisenstadt, Peter Scott, Michelle Bachler, Chris Denham, Kevin Quick, Jon Linney, Alex Little, Elia Tomadaki, Alexandra Okada

Timeline:01 Apr 2006


Open Sensemaking Communities

Helping e-learners construct interpretations of open content courseware

The Open Content movement is concerned with enabling students and educators to access material, in order to then learn from it, and reuse it either in one?s studies or one's own courses. The core efforts to date has focused on enabling access, e.g. building the organizational/political will to release and license content, and in developing open infrastructures for educators to then publish and reassemble it. The key challenge in the next phase of the open content movement is to improve the support for prospective students to engage with and learn from the material, and with each other though peer learning support, in the absence of formally imposed study timetables and assessment deadlines. KMi is now engaged in developing the next generation of tools for e-learning and collaborative sensemaking for open content learning support.


Publications | Visit External Site for Details Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A., Scott, P. and Mendonca, M. (2015) Effective web videoconferencing for proctoring online oral exams: a case study at scale in Brazil, Open Praxis International Journal, 7, 3, International Council for Open and Distance Education

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A., Meister, I., Mikroyannidis, A. and Little, S. (2013) 'Colearning' - Collaborative Open Learning through OER and Social Media, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks, ISBN 9788582270226, pp. 368, S. Luis: EDUEMA

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A. (eds.) (2012) Open Educational Resources and Social Networks: colearning and professional development, 978-0956681041, pp. 368, SCHOLIO EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH & PUBLISHING

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A. (2011) Aprendizagem Significativa com Mapas para criancas, 1, 978-85-7769-099-2, pp. 146, Cuiaba: KCM

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Dr Shweta Suran
Centre for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

The I in Misinformation: Understanding the Role of Individual Behavior in Social Media Information Diffusion

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