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openscout project full details

Champion: Alexander Mikroyannidis
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Participant(s):Peter Scott, Teresa Connolly, Alexandra Okada, Suzanne Little, Izabel Meister

Similar Projects:iCoper, ROLE

Timeline:01 Sep 2009 - 31 Aug 2012



Skill based scouting of open user-generated and community-improved content for management education and training

OpenScout stands for "Skill based scouting of open user-generated and community-improved content for management education and training" and is a project co-funded by the European Commission within the eContentplus Programme. The project started in September 2009 and has a duration of three years.

OpenScout aims at providing an education service in the internet that enables users to easily find, access, use and exchange open content for management education and training.

The management education market is largely diversified, training topics range from general management and leadership to very specific issues like managing risks in banking industry. Despite the resulting growing need for management education and content the potential of already existing open learning materials is hardly exploited, neither in the business sector nor in SMEs where the need for lifelong learning is even greater.

To reduce the usage barriers OpenScout plans to offer easy-to-use skill-based federated search and retrieval web services, provide an openly accessible tool library for improvement and re-publishing of open contents and establish an open user community that opens up their content and adopts OpenScout web services in real contexts of use.

OpenScout will be used by learners directly but also by training and education institutions that search for learning content to be integrated into their learning offerings.


Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A. and Ferreira, G. (2014) Co-authorship and Colearning through Open Educational Resources at UKOU, ALT-C 2014 Learning technology Conference, Warwick, UK

Publications | doi 

Okada, A., Serra, A.R.C. and Machado, C. (2014) Mídias Sociais e Recursos Educacionais Abertos Móveis na pesquisa acadêmica do século 21, in eds. Moreira, J. António; Barros. D. & Monteiro, A., Educação a Distância e eLearning na Web Social., Santo Tirso: White Books

Publications | Visit External Site for Details  

Okada, A., Meister, I., Mikroyannidis, A. and Little, S. (2014) 'Colearning' - Collaborative Open Learning through OER and Social Media, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Collaborative Open Learning through OER and Social Media, 2nd edition, ISBN 9788582270295


Okada, A. and Bujokas, A. (2014) Comunidades abertas de prática e redes sociais de coaprendizagem da UNESCO, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks, 2nd edition, 9788582270295, S. Luis: EDUEMA


Okada, A., Meister, I., Mikroyannidis, A. and Little, S. (2014) Co-aprendizaje a traves de REA y Medios de comunicacion Social, in eds. Alexandra Okada, Open Educational Resources and Social Networks, 933162227, S. Luis: EDUEMA

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