Showing all 21 Hot Knowledge Management projects
Personalised patient empowerment for cardiorenal comorbidities
Collective Applied Intelligence and Analytics for Social Innovation: Open Tools Validated in Large-Scale Communities
Research and Innovation in the Digital Economy
Collective Platform for Community Resilience & Social Innovation During Crises
COVID-19 Research
A view of our labs response to the pandemic
A Decarbonisation Platform for Citizen Empowerment and Translating Collective Awareness into Behavioural Change
Intelligent management system for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture
Listening Experience Database
A crowd-sourced linked data resource of documented experiences of listening to music
An innovation programme developing sustainable smart solutions for Milton Keynes
OpenSTEM Africa Blockchain
Leveraging Blockchain for OpenSTEM Africa
Organised Crime Group Mapping
Analysing methods for assessing the risk of organised crime
OU Analyse
The OU Analyse project is piloting new machine learning based methods for early identification of students who are at risk of failing.
A digital harmoniser of European musical heritage
Decentralised Qualifications' Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation
REF 2021 Predictions
Web-scale research analytics for identifying high performance and trends: data-driven approaches to Scientometrics.
Bringing Robots into Smart Cities through Competitions
Supporting Editorial Activities at Springer Nature
Supporting Editorial Activities at Springer Nature
UK Aggregation
Developing the UK Aggregator of Open Access metadata and content from repository systems
Bridging the gap between schools and universities through informal education
Making it quick and easy to locate quality vocational teaching resources.