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Showing 24 member(s) filtered by the letter g

Stefania Galizia Photograph

Stefania Galizia

Research Fellow

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Catie Gamble Photograph

Catie Gamble

P-time External PhD Research Student

Jose M Garcia Photograph

Jose M Garcia

Visiting Researcher

Mark Gaved Photograph

Mark Gaved

Research Associate

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Kleanthi Georgala Photograph

Kleanthi Georgala

Visiting PhD Student

Yasin Ghafourian Boroojerdnia Photograph

Yasin Ghafourian Boroojerdnia

Visiting Research Student

George Gkotsis Photograph

George Gkotsis

Research Associate

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Mark Glaister Photograph

Mark Glaister

Socialearn Project Manager

Aitor Gomez-Goiri Photograph

Aitor Gomez-Goiri

Research Associate

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Alexandre Goncalves Photograph

Alexandre Goncalves

Visiting Research Student

Pedro Antonio Gonzalez Calero Photograph

Pedro Antonio Gonzalez Calero

Visiting Professor

Antonio Gonzalez-Pardo Photograph

Antonio Gonzalez-Pardo

Research Associate

Hannah Gore Photograph

Hannah Gore

Online Community & Devel Manager

Takayuki Goto Photograph

Takayuki Goto

Visiting Researcher

Jorge Gracia Photograph

Jorge Gracia

Visiting Researcher

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Arianna Graciotti Photograph

Arianna Graciotti

Visiting PhD Research Student

Pierre Grenon Photograph

Pierre Grenon

Research Associate

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Carla Greubel Photograph

Carla Greubel

Visiting Student

Laurian Gridinoc Photograph

Laurian Gridinoc

Research Student

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Jerzy 'Jez' Grzeda Photograph

Jerzy 'Jez' Grzeda

Business Manager

Matteo Guenci Photograph

Matteo Guenci

Visiting Student

Alessio Gugliotta Photograph

Alessio Gugliotta

Research Fellow

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Davide Guidi Photograph

Davide Guidi

Research Fellow

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Bikash Gyawali Photograph

Bikash Gyawali

Research Assoc. - text and data mining

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Dr Shweta Suran
Centre for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

The I in Misinformation: Understanding the Role of Individual Behavior in Social Media Information Diffusion

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