Showing all 215 projects
3D Audio
3-Dimensional Audio Virtual Environments
Analytics for Everyday Learning
AI Digital Assistant (AIDA)
A 24/7 personal AI Assistant for every student.
AI technologies to tackle EDI related issues
Alternative Media for Print Disabled Students
Accessibility through CD-ROM technology
Architectures for scripted media objects
A partial solution to the reusability paradox
Bletchley Park Text
Using mobile and semantic web technologies to support the post-visit use of online museum resources
Find the right people with the right knowledge in the right place at the right time
Personalised patient empowerment for cardiorenal comorbidities
Collective Applied Intelligence and Analytics for Social Innovation: Open Tools Validated in Large-Scale Communities
Online assessment of intercultural competence
Countering Creative Information Manipulation with Explainable AI
Research in social location-based play for large groups in city environments
Research and Innovation in the Digital Economy
State-of-the-art simulation of the climate system
CLUTCH - Millennium Awards
Computer Literacy Understanding Through Community History
Co-Creating Misinformation-Resilient Societies
Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Grid
Collaborative Open Learning
Collaborative Open Market to Place Objects at your Service
Collective Platform for Community Resilience & Social Innovation During Crises
COVID-19 Research
A view of our labs response to the pandemic
A Decarbonisation Platform for Citizen Empowerment and Translating Collective Awareness into Behavioural Change
DECIDE - Delivering Enhanced Biodiversity Information with Adaptive Citizen Science and Intelligent Digital Engagements
Digital Environment for Cultural Interfaces; Promoting Heritage, Education and Research
Digging into Connected Repositories
Data, Information and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services
Designing adaptive infOrmation exTraction from text for KnOwledge Management
performing > recording > tagging > replaying > net.choreography
Election Debate Visualization
The EDV Project will provide radically new ways for the public to replay the televised debates from the next UK general election
Enriching Representations of Work to Support Organisational Learning
Entity Relation Discovery and Semantic Search
Entity based semantic search and knowledge management
EdUcational Curriculum for the usage of LInked Data
FairAI4EdTech: Promoting Equity in Higher Education
A socio-technical approach. Our project is dedicated to advancing socio-technical approaches to fairness in Higher Education (HE) within the UK
Fostering Improved Training Tools for Responsible Research and Innovation
FOSTER Plus project focuses on promoting the practical implementation of Open Science, with activities targeting academic staff and young scientists.
Knowledge Transfer Partnership with the Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre
Hallé KTP
A Knowledge Transfer Partnership project between the Hallé Concerts Society and KMi
Heronsgate Middle School Site
Developing rich multimedia with schools and the local community
Human-Computer Collaborative Learning in Citizen Science
This project explores the potential for collaborative learning between humans and machines within the framework of environmental citizen science.
Hypermedia Discourse
Conceptual foundations and practical tools at the nexus of Deliberation, Argumentation and Software
An Intelligent Brokering Service forKnowledge-Component Reuse onthe World-Wide Web
An Erasmus Multilateral Project which aims at developing an Intercultural Path for Erasmus students.
Immersive Online Reading for Mental Wellbeing
This project designs a scalable online bibliotherapy intervention for mental health
Intelligent management system for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture
Journal of Interactive Media in Education
L204 Summer School Blog
A photo and audio blog for Spanish language students
Linking Web Data for Education Project - Open Challenge in Web-scale Data Integration
Linking Islands of Data - A UK/USA AHRC network
Linking Islands of Data will create a research network based around centres of excellence that study the Classical World on both sides of the Atlantic
Listening Experience Database
A crowd-sourced linked data resource of documented experiences of listening to music
Living Human Digital Library
Technical infrastructure for the Living Human Project
Linking University Content for Education and Research Online
Learning Content Management System Using Innovative Semantic Web Services Architecture
Integrating logical inference in language models for context-sensitive information retrieval
MarK aims at developing the next generation neutral 5G infrastructure for high-density areas.
Multi-type Content Repurposing and Sharing in Medical Education
An innovation programme developing sustainable smart solutions for Milton Keynes
Mobile Applications
Applications to explore the use of mobile devices in a learning environment
Networks and Ontologies for the Transformation and Unification of Broadcasting and the intErnet
Open Educations Resources and Social Networks
Observing and Negating Matthew Effects in Responsible Research and Innovation Transition
Open Networking Lab
Practical learning about computer networking
Open Sensemaking Communities
Helping e-learners construct interpretations of open content courseware
OpenLang Network
A language learning network for Erasmus+ KA1 mobility participants
Skill based scouting of open user-generated and community-improved content for management education and training
OpenSTEM Africa Blockchain
Leveraging Blockchain for OpenSTEM Africa
Augmenting participation, co-creation, trust and transparency in Deliberative Democracy at all scales
Organised Crime Group Mapping
Analysing methods for assessing the risk of organised crime
OU Analyse
The OU Analyse project is piloting new machine learning based methods for early identification of students who are at risk of failing.
Personal Inquiry
Designing for evidence-based inquiry learning across formal and informal settings
Platform for searcH of Audiovisual Resources across Online Spaces
Phone the Web
The window through which users will access information from networks is widening
Planting for Pollinators
Generating recommendations for bumblebee-friendly gardening
A digital harmoniser of European musical heritage
Decentralised Qualifications' Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation
RAE (Responsive Algorithmic Enterprise)
Energy management system for SMEs
Development of filmic representations of social media content for individuals and groups using a mixture of semantic, content, and network analysis
REF 2021 Predictions
Web-scale research analytics for identifying high performance and trends: data-driven approaches to Scientometrics.
Dynamic system modellers and simulators to assist in the training of students and employees
Robot Embodied Presence in House Environment (REPHE)
Robot Embodied Presence in House Environment is an Innovation project aimed to develop
ROBUST aims to analyze, manage and care for online communities to support their well being & to measure their created value.
Build and deploy a prototype infrastructure for making scholarly claims
Bringing Robots into Smart Cities through Competitions
Semantic Blogging
Link blog entries with meaningful relations (such as 'agree', 'disagree') instead of just plain link
tools and techniques to enable policy makers to gather, integrate, and analyse policy-related discussions
Service Web 3.0
Coordinating the research, standardization, and dissemination activites creating the internet of billions of web services.
Services for Connected Repositories
Large-scale pilots for collaborative OpenCourseWare authoring, multiplatform delivery and Learning Analytics
Learning on the open, social web...
Social cohesion, Participation, and Inclusion through Cultural Engagement
Storymaking Project
Design and evaluation of a story metadata scheme and annotation environment
Semantics Utilised for Process management within and between EnteRprises
Supporting Editorial Activities at Springer Nature
Supporting Editorial Activities at Springer Nature
Textile & Clothing Business Labs
The Bookshelf Project
Find out who has which books using ISBN and web service lookup
The Open University Linked Data
The home of open linked data from The Open University.
The UK Multimedia Knowledge Management Network
Enhance communication between the experts in both academia and industry
The Virtual Corporate University
Streaming media solution to the corporate university sector
True Interactivity for Young Viewers of Virtual Broadcast Content via Intelligent Interfaces
EU H2020 project to develop advanced method for detecting and measuring violent radicalisation behaviour on social media.
UK Aggregation
Developing the UK Aggregator of Open Access metadata and content from repository systems
UK Aggregation 2
Large scale aggregation of open access research papers
University for Industry Observatory
Using KMi technologies for integrating web documents with formal representations of knowledge
Bridging the gap between schools and universities through informal education
Urban Inquiries
Inquiry skills for responsible research and innovation for envisioning and contributing to improvements cities
Vague Query Responder
Bookshop owners can outperform Amazon and Google when the queries are vague - so can our software
Making it quick and easy to locate quality vocational teaching resources.
Language learning assessment to the Common European Framework
Working Environment with Social, Personal and Open Technologies for Inquiry Based Learning
Knowledge Sharing and Reuse across Media
X:Polli-Nation (pronounced crosspollination) is a biodiversity citizen science project embedded in primary schools